Dawnland Signals 4/21/22: Clean, Safe Drinking Water for the People of Sipayik

Producers/Hosts: Maria Girouard, Esther Anne
Jeffrey Hotchkiss, Zoom recording technician

Join co-hosts Maria Girouard and Esther Anne as they engage in critical conversations of truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland with special guests Passamaquoddy Tribal Representative Rena Newell, and Holly Cleaves, Sipayik school board member about the effort to provide clean, safe drinking water to the people of Sipayik.

About the hosts:

Esther Anne, is a Passamaquoddy from Sipayik who lives on Indian Island and serves on the Wabanaki REACH Board of Directors.

Maria Girouard, Penobscot from Indian Island, is Executive Director of Wabanaki REACH, a statewide organization working toward truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland. Maria is a tribal historian with a Master’s Degree in History from the University of Maine and a special interest in the Maine Indian Land Claims. Maria has devoted years to community organizing, environmental stewardship and activism, and growing food in tribal communities.

Dawnland Signals 3/17/22: Healing to Wellness Court: A model for restorative justice

Producers/Hosts: Maria Girouard, Esther Anne
Engineer: Jeffrey Hotchkiss

Critical conversations of truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland: Justice and Healing

Healing to Wellness Court: A model for restorative justice
-How did the concept for a healing to wellness court come to be?
-What experiences can you share?
-Throughout this process, what feels most significant?
-What’s next?

Guests: Penobscot Tribal Nation Court: Magistrate Judge Rhonda DeContie (Penobscot/Algonquin), and Chief Judge Eric Mehnert

About the hosts:

Esther Anne, is a Passamaquoddy from Sipayik who lives on Indian Island and serves on the Wabanaki REACH Board of Directors.

Maria Girouard, Penobscot from Indian Island, is Executive Director of Wabanaki REACH, a statewide organization working toward truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland. Maria is a tribal historian with a Master’s Degree in History from the University of Maine and a special interest in the Maine Indian Land Claims. Maria has devoted years to community organizing, environmental stewardship and activism, and growing food in tribal communities.

Dawnland Signals 1/20/22: The Road to Recovery

Producers/Hosts: Maria Girouard, Esther Anne
Engineer: Jeffrey Hotchkiss

Critical conversations of truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland: The Road to Recovery

-How each guest started their recovery journey
-Advice to people who want to quit substances
-Advice to family members who are supporting someone in recovery

Brian Altvater Sr., Passamaquoddy and Melody Paul, Micmac

About the hosts:

Esther Anne, is a Passamaquoddy from Sipayik who lives on Indian Island and serves on the Wabanaki REACH Board of Directors.

Maria Girouard, Penobscot from Indian Island, is Executive Director of Wabanaki REACH, a statewide organization working toward truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland. Maria is a tribal historian with a Master’s Degree in History from the University of Maine and a special interest in the Maine Indian Land Claims. Maria has devoted years to community organizing, environmental stewardship and activism, and growing food in tribal communities.

Dawnland Signals 12/16/21: The Power of Poetry

Producers/Hosts: Maria Girouard, Esther Anne
Engineer: Jeffrey Hotchkiss

Critical conversations of truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland: The Power of Poetry

-How each guest came to be writers of poetry
-How poetry can be used to build community
-Guests and hosts recite poems

Guests: Mihku Paul, Maliseet and Penthea Burns, Wabanaki REACH Board Co chair

About the hosts:

Esther Anne, is a Passamaquoddy from Sipayik who lives on Indian Island and serves on the Wabanaki REACH Board of Directors.

Maria Girouard, Penobscot from Indian Island, is Executive Director of Wabanaki REACH, a statewide organization working toward truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland. Maria is a tribal historian with a Master’s Degree in History from the University of Maine and a special interest in the Maine Indian Land Claims. Maria has devoted years to community organizing, environmental stewardship and activism, and growing food in tribal communities.

Dawnland Signals SPECIAL 11/25/21: If You Lived During the Plimoth Thanksgiving

Producers/Hosts: Maria Girouard, Esther Anne
Engineer: Jeffrey Hotchkiss

Critical conversations of truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland: If You Lived During the Plimoth Thanksgiving— New children’s book teaches the truth

-How the author came to write this book
-Resources for teaching truth about history
-The importance of teaching from an indigenous worldview

Guest: Chris Newell, Passamaquoddy from Motahkmihkuk, author and Co-founder/Director of Education for Akomawt Educational Initiative

About the hosts:

Esther Anne, is a Passamaquoddy from Sipayik who lives on Indian Island and serves on the Wabanaki REACH Board of Directors.

Maria Girouard, Penobscot from Indian Island, is Executive Director of Wabanaki REACH, a statewide organization working toward truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland. Maria is a tribal historian with a Master’s Degree in History from the University of Maine and a special interest in the Maine Indian Land Claims. Maria has devoted years to community organizing, environmental stewardship and activism, and growing food in tribal communities.

Dawnland Signals 10/21/21: Beyond the Claims- Stories from the Land and the Heart

Producers/Hosts: Maria Girouard, Esther Anne
Engineer: Jeffrey Hotchkiss

Critical conversations of truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland: Wabanaki REACH‘s Truth Telling Initiative

-What Wabanaki REACH’s truth-telling project is about and what groundwork has been done
-What the learning curve has been like and what experience the guests bring to the project
-What the project hopes to accomplish


Kate Russell, Wabanaki REACH Project Coordinator and Stephanie Bailey, Passamaquoddy from Motahkmihkuk and Project Story Collector.

About the hosts:

Esther Anne, is a Passamaquoddy from Sipayik who lives on Indian Island and serves on the Wabanaki REACH Board of Directors.

Maria Girouard, Penobscot from Indian Island, is Executive Director of Wabanaki REACH, a statewide organization working toward truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland. Maria is a tribal historian with a Master’s Degree in History from the University of Maine and a special interest in the Maine Indian Land Claims. Maria has devoted years to community organizing, environmental stewardship and activism, and growing food in tribal communities.

Dawnland Signals 9/16/21: History of Native activism at USM

Producers/Hosts: Maria Girouard, Esther Anne
Engineer: Jeffrey Hotchkiss

Critical conversations of truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland: History of Native activism at USM

-Mikhu’s experience as a native student
-The Land Recognition Committee
-Hopes for the future

Guest: Mihku Paul, First Nations poet, visual artist, storyteller, and activist. She was born into the Maliseet Nation and she is a member of Kingsclear First Nation in New Brunswick, Canada.

About the hosts:

Esther Anne, is a Passamaquoddy from Sipayik who lives on Indian Island and serves on the Wabanaki REACH Board of Directors.

Maria Girouard, Penobscot from Indian Island, is Executive Director of Wabanaki REACH, a statewide organization working toward truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland. Maria is a tribal historian with a Master’s Degree in History from the University of Maine and a special interest in the Maine Indian Land Claims. Maria has devoted years to community organizing, environmental stewardship and activism, and growing food in tribal communities.


Dawnland Signals 8/19/21: Land Back and the Passamaquoddy Tribe

Producers/Hosts: Maria Girouard, Esther Anne
Engineer: Jeffrey Hotchkiss

Critical conversations of truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland: Land Back and the Passamaquoddy Tribe

-How the Passamaquoddy Tribe was dispossessed of their land
-The history of reacquiring Tribal lands
-The emotional, spiritual, and cultural significance of reclaiming land

Donald Soctomah, Passamaquoddy elder, historian and Historic Preservation Officer; Dale Mitchell, Passamaquoddy elder at Sipayik, land steward

About the hosts:

Esther Anne, is a Passamaquoddy from Sipayik who lives on Indian Island and serves on the Wabanaki REACH Board of Directors.

Maria Girouard, Penobscot from Indian Island, is Executive Director of Wabanaki REACH, a statewide organization working toward truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland. Maria is a tribal historian with a Master’s Degree in History from the University of Maine and a special interest in the Maine Indian Land Claims. Maria has devoted years to community organizing, environmental stewardship and activism, and growing food in tribal communities.
