Dawnland Signals 10/20/22: Beyond the Claims – Stories from the Land & the Heart

Producers/Hosts: Maria Girouard, Esther Anne
Jeffrey Hotchkiss, Zoom recording technician

Dawnland Signals highlights indigenous topics not immediately represented in mainstream media and is meant to share, inspire, and inform. Join co-hosts Maria Girouard and Esther Anne as they engage in critical conversations of truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland.

This month:
we will hear about the progress of Wabanaki REACH’s new truth-telling initiative: Beyond the Claims – Stories from the Land & the Heart. We welcome as guests Kate Russell, Project Coordinator and Tim Love, Project Contributor.
– What was some of the history behind the 1980 Maine Indian Land Claims Settlement Act?
– How did the events around the land claims affect people in Wabanaki communities and beyond?
– What have been some of the learnings in hearing and gathering their stories?
– What are future plans for sharing these learnings?

Kate Russell, Project Coordinator
Tim Love, Project Contributor.

Link/s FMI:
Wabanaki REACH Truth & Peacemaking

About the hosts:
Esther Anne, is a Passamaquoddy from Sipayik who lives on Indian Island and serves on the Wabanaki REACH Board of Directors.

Maria Girouard, Penobscot from Indian Island, is Executive Director of Wabanaki REACH, a statewide organization working toward truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland. Maria is a tribal historian with a Master’s Degree in History from the University of Maine and a special interest in the Maine Indian Land Claims. Maria has devoted years to community organizing, environmental stewardship and activism, and growing food in tribal communities.