Archives for racism

Maine Currents 4/4/19

An Americans Who Tell the Truth Event: Bree Newsome and Maulian Dana on the legacy of systemic racism in the US and what can be done to dismantle it

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Audio Recorded by: Matt Murphy

Bree Newsome, then 30 years old, became famous in June of 2015 when she climbed the flagpole outside the State House in Columbia, South Carolina and took down the Confederate Flag.

Maulian Dana is Tribal Ambassador of the Penobscot Nation, who has – among other things- been a leader in the movement to discontinue the use of Indian mascots in Maine.

They spoke about the legacy of systemic racism in the US and what can be done to dismantle it, at an event in Blue Hill last weekend sponsored by Americans Who Tell the Truth. WERU was among the co-sponsors of the event. Today on Maine Currents we bring you the first hour of their talk. A recording of the entire 2 hour event, which included a Q&A session, is also included in the links below.

Robert Shetterly of Americans Who Tell the Truth was the moderator

Catch the award-winning Maine Currents, independent local news, views and culture, on the 1st Thursday of every month, 10-11 a.m. on WERU-FM and streaming live at

Maine Currents 11/14/17

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

“THE ELECTION OF TRUMP: ONE YEAR LATER” – a panel discussion held at the University of Maine on 11/9/17. The panelists were Kimberly Hammill, of the Bangor Racial and Economic Justice Coalition, Maia Dendinger of the Socialist Party of Maine, and Doug Allen, a Professor of Philosophy and peace activist who also moderated the discussion

Maine Currents- independent local news, views and culture, Tuesdays at 4pm on WERU-FM and

Wabanaki Windows 11/15/16

Producer: Donna Loring
Guest Host: Amy Browne
Studio Engineer: John Greenman

What’s happening at Standing Rock currently and local solidarity efforts
Racism associated with Trump’s campaign and future concerns

Dawn Neptune Adams, Sunlight Media Collective, Penobscot Nation
Sherri Mitchell, Indigenous Rights Attorney, Penobscot Nation
Chief Kirk Francis, Penobscot Nation

Maine Currents 6/15/16

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: John Greenman

Local communities respond to the recent mass shooting in Orlando. We bring you to vigils held this week in Bangor and Belfast, Maine and then we talk with long time activist and former “Ism Prism” host Valentine King and open the phone lines for your calls. Valentine King is a cultural maven and independent thinker who has been based in Sommesville, Maine for the past 8 years. Originally from Philadelphia, he was active in the independent arts and queer cultural movement in the 1980s, and was part of the movement fighting for recognition of AIDS as a national health crisis at that time. For many years, he was a youth development worker at the Youth Health Empowerment Project, an agency devoted to promoting HIV prevention and youth leadership.

Wabanaki Windows 4/19/16

Producer/Host: Donna Loring
Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Mascot issue

Program Topic: Mascot issue Skowhegan High school

Key Discussion Points:
a) why is the mascot issue so i
b) why being used as a mascot is so offensive
c) next steps/how to help

Guest: Maulian Dana Smith

Watch a video of this interview, here:

Wabanaki Windows 11/17/15

Producer/Host: Donna Loring
Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: 50th Anniversary of Peter Francis Murder at Peasant Point/Creation of a Joint Investigative Task Force by United South and Eastern Tribes/ First time in history to investigate crimes against their own Tribal members

Program Topic: Searching for Justice for family and community

Key Discussion Points:
a) Establishment of a United South and Eastern Tribes Investigative Task Force
b) Investigate what happened and the effects of a failed justice system
c) Task Force as model for rest of Indian Country

Michael Corey Hinton, Great grandson of Peter Francis and an attorney for Akin Gump a prestigious law firm in Washington DC
Penobscot Nation Chief, Kirk Francis
USET Chair of its Criminal Justice Committee Robert Bryant

WERU Special: Social Justice Ally Building 9/29/15

Producer/Host: Anita Arnold
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: White Ally Movement in Maine

Key Discussion Points
a) Ally Training and connection to Wabanaki Reach Training
b) Qualities of Allies
c) White privilege connection to racial justice
d) Maine’s Ally Movement

Barbara Kates, Community Organizer/Ally Trainer for Maine Wabanaki Reach
David Smith, Member of White Ally Group in Belfast, Maine

Wabanaki Windows 4/21/15

Producer/Host: Donna Loring
Engineer: John Greenman

Issue: Racism in its various forms

Program Topic: Racism in places of power
Key Discussion Points:
a) What is the definition of Racism?
b) Is there Racism in our Institutions of power such as our government and our law enforcement agencies?
c) How do we recognize it and address it?

(A) Professor David Gillborn Director, Centre for Research in Race & Education Editor, ‘Race Ethnicity and Education’ Department of Education & Social Justice School of Education University of Birmingham Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
(B) Penobscot Nation Police Chief Robert Bryant