Dawnland Signals 8/18/22: Wendy Newell Dyer’s Adoption Story

Producers/Hosts: Maria Girouard, Esther Anne
Jeffrey Hotchkiss, Zoom recording technician

This edition of Dawnland Signals did not air in July as intended, but will air on 8/18/22 at 4pm

Dawnland Signals highlights indigenous topics not immediately represented in mainstream media and is meant to share, inspire, and inform. Join co-hosts Maria Girouard and Esther Anne as they engage in critical conversations of truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland.

This month’s show features Wendy Newell Dyer from Jonesport, who shares her adoption story and journey of connecting to her Passamaquoddy roots and birth father, the late Wayne Newell, a revered elder, teacher and scholar.

– Life experience as an adoptee looking for her birth parents
– Learning of her Passamaquoddy origins and her famous father
– Transforming life trauma into belonging through teaching, writing, and culture

Guest: Wendy Newell Dyer, Passamaquoddy


Statement to the Maine Wabanaki-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Writings for Dawnland Voices:

Writings for Dawnland Voices:


Esther Anne, is a Passamaquoddy from Sipayik who lives on Indian Island and serves on the Wabanaki REACH Board of Directors.

Maria Girouard, Penobscot from Indian Island, is Executive Director of Wabanaki REACH, a statewide organization working toward truth, healing, and change in the Dawnland. Maria is a tribal historian with a Master’s Degree in History from the University of Maine and a special interest in the Maine Indian Land Claims. Maria has devoted years to community organizing, environmental stewardship and activism, and growing food in tribal communities.