Archives for Maine

Maine Currents 5/2/19: Green New Deal Proposed for Maine

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Listen as Representative Chloe Maxmin, sponsor of LD 1282 “An Act To Establish a Green New Deal for Maine”, presents the bill at a public hearing before the legislature’s Joint Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology last week, and members of the public testify, followed by updates from the subsequent work session and a comment from Maxmin on where things stand now.

Read the bill text here

More information about the Joint Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology, and contact information for committee members can be found here

Coastal Conversations 4/26/19: Marine worms, economy and ecology of two little known species

Producer/Host: Natalie Springuel
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

College of the Atlantic senior Kaitlyn Clark completed 19 interviews with worm harvesters, dealers and others involved in the marine worm industry (the state’s fifth largest fishery). On today’s show, we share audio clips from six of those harvesters and dealers who, with help from Clark, cover the following topics:
1. What are marine worms, where do they live, and why should we care about these critters?
2. How are worms harvested, what gear is used, how do wormers know where to find them, and what knowledge have they gained about worm ecology and movements?
3. What are the issues that worm harvesters are faced with today, including coastal access to mud flats, land-owner relationships, fisheries management, and the opioid epidemic.

Kaitlyn Clark, Undergraduate Researcher at College of the Atlantic
Donnie Bayrd, bloodworm digger and dealer from Milbridge
Fred Johnson, bloodworm digger from Steuben
Johnathan Renwick, bloodworm digger from Birch Harbor
Derek Crocker, bloodworm and sandworm digger from Deer Isle
James Arsenault, sandworm digger from Dresden
Ken Webber, sandworm digger from Ellsworth

Local Lore Locavore Night at The Gatherings in Surry, Maine 3/23/19

An unedited recording of the third Local Lore Locavore Night at The Gatherings in Surry on March 23, 2019, featuring neighbors “telling tall tales of Surry from some old timers. True or nearly so.”

Production: Matt Murphy

What was it like for Surry in the 1970’s to suddenly have the old Hattie Morgan Farm on the East Blue Hill Road become the center of a Zen community, its barn a theater and concert hall? Listen to the stories of pre -zendo time told by Joy Small and Audrey Carter. Charles Guilford talks about the Zendo community and Bill Raiten of the New Surry Theater take the stage to reminisce from a rich backlog of unforgettable stories.

RadioActive 2/28/19

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

Combating Climate Change: Local and State Initiatives to Shift to Renewable Energy by 2030

a) Today we turn again to local and state initiatives to combat climate change. We speak with Gary Friedmann, of the Mount Desert Island organization A Climate to Thrive, on progress on MDI and on the work of the Maine Climate Action Coalition to shift Maine to 100% renewable energy by 2030.

b) Close to 200 bills related to climate will be before the Maine Legislature this session.
LD 658,?Reslove, To Direct a Plan for Energy Independence for Maine, Sponsored by Rep. Brian Hubbell had a hearing February 26th. Three bills will will receive a public hearing on March 13th. They are LD 893, 818 and 797.

On February 28th, Governor Mills announced that Maine has become the 22nd state to join the United States Climate Alliance, whose members have committed to the Paris Agreement greenhouse gas emission reductions. Mills also announced the administration’s proposal for the Maine Climate Council, which would aim to shift the state to 80% renewables by 2030 and 100% by 2050.

c) Friedmann believes the bills to be heard on March 13th are a start, but must go further. He is not supportive of the CMP transmission line, and cautions care with wind projects. He does believe a dramatic acceleration of renewables and conservation in all sectors, including subsidized decentralized solar, will make the imperative goal of a 100% energy shift by 2030 attainable.

Gary Freidmann, A Climate to Thrive board chair; Maine Climate Action Coalition; Chair of Bar Harbor Town Council

Talk of the Towns 2/8/19

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Amy Browne

Community concerns and opportunities: Is it time to open up the Maine’s primary process to unenrolled voters

Key Discussion Points:
What are primary elections and how are they conducted in Maine?
What role do parties play, what is the role of the state of Maine?
What has been the rationale to prohibit unenrolled voters from participating in party primary elections?
How is the present campaign organized and what are you hoping will happen?
What was your experience with the primary experience, as a member of a party or as an Independent candidate? What did you appreciate about it? How would this proposed change benefit the state of Maine?

Kaitlin LaCasse, Campaign Manager, Open Primaries Maine
Jill Goldthwait, former State Senator, Independent
Dennis Damon, former State Senator, Democrat

Maine Currents 2/7/19

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

An Ambitious Plan to Address Homelessness in Maine

Mainers may have a chance in November to vote on a bond issue that would authorize $15 million to build housing for homeless people in the state: LD 48, “An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Invest in Housing for Persons Who Are Homeless”. The plan is to expand a “Housing First” model that has proven successful in Portland to other parts of the state.

We speak with Representative Michael Brennan of Portland, who is also a former mayor of the city and an adjunct professor of social work, the sponsor of LD 48, and Donna Yellen, Deputy Director of Preble St. in Portland- the agency that oversees the “housing first” programs there. And we listen in on testimony at the January 22nd public hearing on LD 48, before the legislature’s Appropriations and Financial Affairs committee.

More information about LD 48, the Appropriations and Financial Affairs committee and contact info for legislators is available on the State Legislature’s website

Coastal Conversations 1/25/19 (web only) & 1/31/19

Producer/Host: Natalie Springuel

Note: Because of storm-related power outages in the area, Coastal Conversation aired only via live stream on it’s usual air date, 1/25/19. It was rebroadcast on 1/31/19.

Maine coastal and ocean issues: The Maine Ocean School

Key Discussion Points:
-Interviews with students, faculty and board members at the Maine Ocean School, a new public magnet school based in Searsport with a mission to provide a theme-based high school education focused on the ocean.
-Students talk about their aspirations for the future and how the Ocean School will help them get there.
-Founders talk about how this unique educational model came about with support from marine industry members from throughout the state.
-Teachers talk about the school’s innovative curriculum.


The 12 students of the Maine Ocean School‘s inaugural class
Leslie Gregroy, Lead Teacher, Maine Ocean School
Meg Begley, Teacher, Maine Ocean School
James Gillway,school founder and chairman of the Maine Ocean School Foundation Searsport Town Manager, State Representative
Gayle Zydlewski, member of the board of trustees of the Maine Ocean School
University of Maine Associate Professor of Marine Sciences and Director of Maine Sea Grant
Almon D. (Bud) Rivers, member of the board of trustees, Maine Ocean School Searsport Emergency Management Director