Archives for Climate Change

RadioActive 5/17/18

Producer: Meredith DeFrancesco

Environmental and Social Justice: Maine Climate Protectors Demand Maine DEP Adhere to Law Cutting Greenhouse Gases

Today we look at an effort requesting the Maine Department of Environmental Protection adhere to a 15 year old law in which Maine committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions “sufficient to eliminate any dangerous threat to the climate”.

A campaign called Maine Climate Protectors, made up students, organizations and others through out the state, testified on Tuesday before the Department of Environmental Protection, demanding lawmakers take action on climate change, as they are committed to by law.
c) Written comments for the Greenhouse Gas Petition Rule making are being accepted by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection until June 29th. Email: [email protected]. Mail: GHG Petition Rule making, Attn Jeff Crawford, Maine Department of Environmental Protection,17 State House, Augusta , ME. 04333August ME 04333

Charles Spanger, Maine Climate Protectors, Scarborough Climate Action, 350 Maine, Scarborough Conservation Committee
Beth Fuller Valentine, attorney, Maine Climate Protectors

Coastal Conversations 11/24/17

Producer/Host: Natalie Springuel

Maine coastal and ocean issues: Whale mortalities in the Northwest Atlantic

Key Discussion Points:
1. Why did 16 right whales die in the Gulf of Maine and Gulf of Saint Lawrence in 2017?
2. What is the role of climate change in these mortalities?
3. How does the movement of prey affect whale movements?
4. How does Canada differ from the US in how it manages ocean uses and how that management correlates to whales ecology and movement? ?
5. How do necropsies (animal autopsies) help determine cause of death?

Sean Todd, the director of the marine mammal research group Allied Whale, and professor of oceanography at College of the Atlantic
Zack Klyver, lead naturalist at Bar Harbor Whale Watch company and founder of Flukes international whale tours.

RadioActive 10/19/17

Producer: Meredith DeFrancesco

Referendum to Expand Medicaid Coverage under the ACA: Question 2

1) In the past five years, the Maine Legislature has voted 5 times to expand Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act, and five times Governor LePage has vetoed. The ACA allows states to opt in or out of the expanded coverage. 31 states have opted in.
2) On election day, November 7th, Mainers will have the opportunity to vote on referendum Question 2, to institute expanded Medicaid coverage in the state, also known as Maine Care. This would open eligibility to 70,000 Mainers. ( Those making less then $16,000 for a single person and $28,000 for a family of three).
3)Today, we look at a number of the myths and realities about Medicaid expansion. And we look at the statistics, county by county, showing the numbers of uninsured, how many would be eligible for expanded coverage, how much federal funding would be received and how many new jobs are projected under an expansion of Medicaid.

Guest: Robyn Merrill, Maine Equal Justice Partners, executive director

Maine Center for Economic Policy, “Medicaid Expansion Fact Sheet”
Special to Portland Press Herald by Lisa Letourneau, MD, MPH, ” The issues are complicated, but a yes vote on Question 2 will help Maine: The reality is , Maine cannot afford not to take the opportunity to improve its health care system”
Report by Elizabeth Kilbreth,Phd, “The Real Impact of Medicaid Expansion”

RadioActive 10/12/17

Producer: Meredith DeFrancesco

EPA Attempts Appeal of Clean Power Plan and Penobscot Nation’s First Ambassador on Indigenous Peoples Day

Key Discussion Points:
a) This week, Trump’s EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt, announced his intention to repeal an Obama climate action, called the Clean Power Plan, whose goal is to significantly cut back on climate change pollutants in the power industry, most notably carbon dioxide.
b) We look at the power of polluting industries and how their influence has increased exponentially under the Trump Administration.
c) We also speak with the Penobscot Nation’s first tribal Ambassador, Maulian Dana, about her new position and about the recent growth of Maine towns observing Indigenous Peoples Day, instead of, or in conjunction with, “Columbus Day”.

David Doniger, Director of the Climate and Clean Air Program, Natural Resources Defense Council
Maulian Dana, Penobscot Nation Ambassador

This program was produced in partnership with the Sunlight Media Collective.

RadioActive 9/28/17

Producer: Meredith DeFrancesco

Chief Francis on River Case Appeal and First Penobscot Ambassador and ILAP on Immigration Policy in Maine

Key Discussion Points:
a) Last week, the Penobscot Nation, and the US Departments of Justice and Interior, formally requested the First Circuit Court to review its interpretation of federal Indian Law in regards to their ruling against the Penobscot Tribe in Penobscot Nation vs Attorney General Mills.
b)We speak with Chief Kirk Francis about this new development in the River Case and about the induction of the Penobscot Nation’s first Ambassador.
c) We also speak with the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project about a number of issue affecting Maine’s immigrant population, including Governor LePage’s push back campaign against sheriff departments who have said they will not hold undocumented detainees beyond their scheduled release dates for federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). These requests have resulted in wrongful imprisonment suits in other parts of the country, based on fourth amendment violations.

Chief Kirk Francis, Penobscot Nation
Susan Roche, executive director, Immigration Legal Advocacy Project.

This program was produced in partnership with the Sunlight Media Collective.

RadioActive 9/21/17

Producer: Meredith DeFrancesco

Overview: Climate Change, Climate Policy and the Fossil Fuel Industry

-As Hurricane Maria devastates Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands, on the heels of Harvey and Irma and drought and fires consume other regions of the US, we look again at climate change, climate policy and the fossil fuel industry.
-Today, we take a broad look with the US policy director for Oil Change International, Janet Redman.
-Topics include, the Trump Administration’s stance on climate change and fossil fuel extraction, the EPA’s Science Advisory Board, the Union of Concerned Scientists new report on the quantifiable impacts of fossil fuel companies’ emissions on climate change, the varying definitions of “Clean Energy”, the Paris Climate Agreement and the disproportionate impacts of climate change on individuals and communities with the least economic resources.

Guest: Janet Redman, Oil Change International, US policy director; Associate Fellow at Institute for Policy Studies

Maine Currents 9/19/17

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Audio recorded by John Greenman

Activist and author George Lakey on “Building a Movement: the Big Picture Vision for the Climate”

George Lakey’s keynote at the Sierra Club of Maine’s “Maine Grassroots Climate Action Conference” on Saturday, September 16th on the topic of “Building a Movement: the Big Picture Vision for the Climate”. He recently retired from Swarthmore College where he was Eugene M. Lang Visiting Professor for Issues in Social Change. While there he wrote his 9th book “Viking Economics: How the Scandinavians got it right and how we can, too:” after interviewing economists and others in the Nordic countries. All of his books have been about change and how to achieve it.
As a young adult Lakey lived in Norway and worked there as well as in Denmark and Sweden. On returning to the U.S. he alternated academic positions with founding and leading organizations working for justice and peace. Later he returned to the global stage to found Training for Change. George Lakey has led over 1500 social change workshops on five continents. He received the Martin Luther King, Jr., Peace Award and the National Giraffe Award for Sticking his Neck out for the Common Good.


Maine Currents- independent local news, views and culture, every Tuesday at 4pm on WERU-FM and

RadioActive 6/1/17

Guest Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

Juniper Ridge Landfill Expansion Approved by BEP; Trump Withdraws from Paris Climate Agreement

-Today the Maine Board of Environmental Protection approved the expansion of the Juniper Ridge Landfill in Old Town.
-Local activists have strongly opposed the expansion, underlining the amount of out of state waste that is reclassified as “in-state waste” and disposed at Juniper Ridge, which is state owned, but privately operated by Casella Waste Management. Opponents, including members of the Penobscot Nation, are alarmed by potential impacts on ground water and the continued dumping of leachate by product into the Penobscot River.
-We also examine Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord

Ed Spencer, Old Town resident and intervenor in Juniper Ridge Landfill Expansion
Erika Lennon, senior attorney for the Center for International Environmental Law

This program was produced in partnership with the Sunlight Media Collective.