Archives for 20th Anniversary Programming

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 9/03/08

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

There are lots of places on the Web where you can find stuff you probably wouldn’t think you could find. Inogolo and Spock are just two of them. And on your radio dial, there’s a place where you can hear a lot of stuff you wouldn’t think you’d hear on radio – that place, of course, is WERU. To keep it (and this program) going, make a secure online pledge at

Weekend Voices 8/16/08

Executive Producer & Host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Bill Phillips, Peter Rottman, Meredith DeFrancesco, Helen York, Andy Buckley

Segment 1: Health care in America produced by Bill Phillips and Peter Rottman

Guest: Dr. Peter Millard, physician, the Family Medicine Residency Program at Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor, Maine

How do health outcomes in the United States  compare with those in other modern, industrialized democracies?  How do health care costs in the U.S. compare?  How are health care expenditures in the U.S. currently allocated?

Segment 2: We’re celebrating 20 years of great community radio this month by counting back the years in the station’s history.  Today we’re remembering 2001 with a RadioActive program from August of that year, produced and hosted by myself, Amy Browne and Meredith DeFrancesco with assistance from Helen York and Andy Buckley.   This archived episode of RadioActive featured coverage of the groups “Let Cuba Live” and “Pastors for Peace” as their caravan converged at the Maine/Quebec border with medical supplies that they hoped to get through to Cuba via Canada, in defiance of the U.S. embargo.  Features “play by play” coverage of the civil disobedience that ensued.

RadioActive 8/14/08

Producers/Hosts: Amy Browne and Meredith DeFrancesco
The WERU community is celebrating 20 years of great community radio—and counting down to our next membership drive— by taking a look back.  Today we’re going back to 2003.  In November of that year we reported from the protests at the Free Trade Area of the Americas, or FTAA, ministerial meetings in Miami.   Inside luxury resort hotels, the FTAA meetings were not going well as more and more countries were becoming aware of the negative impacts of corporate globalization.   The resorts were surrounded by fencing and riot police, keeping any dissent well out of view of those inside.   The protests were spirited, but in no way violent.   We broke away after covering a Teamsters protest march and found a pay phone to call in to WERU with an update.  What follows is that call-in segment, engineered by Heather Candon, then recorded audio from the protests that aired later, including an impromptu press conference with a Miami police official in which you will also hear the voice of Andrea DeFrancesco and other reporters as well.   So let’s take a trip back in time to 2003…

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 8/14/08

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

As part of WERU’s 20 years in 20 days celebration, we return to October of 2003 for an edition on GPS, or Global Positioning Systems, which were just beginning to gain broad adoption at the consumer level. GPS is a great tool, but like all technology, it has its positive and negative applications. We look at few of them today since the issues raised in 2003 are still alive today.

Weekend Voices 8/09/08 “Hear Again”

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
TOPIC: Rebroadcast of two environmental programs from 1998: Environmental Notebook and A Wildlife Journal (as part of WERU’s 20th Anniversary “Hear Again” series)

Why may boycotts of rainforest wood products be counterproductive?  What are some other economic appraoches to helping to preserve rainforests?  What benefits do spiders have ecologically?

Professor Richard Jagels, Univesity of Maine
Dr. Daniel Jennings (retired) U.S. Forest Servcie
Cynthia Jennings, Orono Public Library
Laurie Rose, Orono Public Library

Weekend Voices “Hear Again” special 6/14/08

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Contributors: Kathleen Lignell Ellis, Mark Baldwin

Topic: A WERU 20th Anniversary “Hear Again” special from our archives.  Today-Excerpts from conversations with Maine poets who are no longer with us.

What poets influenced May Sarton, Philip Booth, Sylvester Pollet, Constance Hunting?  In Philip Booth’s opinion, who was the last great 19th century Amercian poet and who was the first great 20th century American poet?  Do May Sarton, Philip Booth, Sylvester Pollet, Constance Hunting consider themselves Maine poets? Why or why not?

WERU 20th Anniversary Special 5/27/08

Producers/Hosts: Dave Evans and Bruce Maanum

Topic: Building/Energy additions and renovations needed at WERU

What are the infrastructure needs for WERU?  What are the range of possibiliities for the project?  How can the community become involved?

Guests: Jonathan Fulford, Builder;  Rick Malm, Architect;  Matt Murphy, WERU General Manager;  Kathleen Rybarz, WERU Board of Directors

Call in show