Archives for Presidential election

Maine Currents 8/10/16

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: John Greenman

Today our multipartisan panel of guests returns to Maine Currents. We’ve been meeting once or twice a month since last spring to talk about the upcoming elections and some of the issues that will be on the ballot here in Maine in November. This is the first time we’ve met since the Republican, Democratic and Green Party conventions, so we start off by checking in for everyone’s reactions.

Betsy Garrold – Supporter of Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party
Ken Gleason – Hillary Clinton supporter
Dave Gulya – Donald Trump supporter
Renee Trust – Libertarian / undecided re nominee Gary Johnson
Tim Wilson- Bernie Sanders supporter

Maine Currents 3/30/16

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: John Greenman

Today we return to our on-going community discussion of the upcoming presidential election.
We have a returning guest in the studio today with us today, Bernie Sanders supporter Tim Wilson, of Belfast. Tim has a bachelor’s degree in political science and an MBA. In the 90s, he was a campaign volunteer for Ross Perot. In 2004 he and his fiancé walked from Concord, Mass to the Jefferson Memorial in DC for a “Healthy World of Sustainable Peace and Prosperity”. And joining us for the first time today is Blue Hill resident Margaret Hannah, a Hillary Clinton supporter. Margaret says she has memories of intensely watching national political campaigns on TV starting in 1956. She campaigned in New Hampshire in 1968 for Gene McCarthy; participated in civil rights marches in DC and NYC and throughout the country in marches against the Iraq war.

Our Green Party representative who joined us last time was not available today. We reached out the Republican party and the Hancock County GOP group will hopefully be sending someone next time, but we were not able to have someone join us here in the studio today.

Earlier this month on “Maine Currents” we asked the question we’ll be asking again today, and more as the election season continues: “which presidential candidate do you support, and why?”.