Archives for Poland Spring

RadioActive 4/25/19: Updates on Water Extraction and Solid Waste Reform Bills

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

a) Today we hear updates on the status of proposed waste reform and water extraction bills in the Maine State Legislature.

b) Yesterday, the Environmental and Natural Resources Committee made decisions on five bills that could impact industrial water extraction in Maine, specifically by Poland Spring, owned by Nestle Waters North America. The ENR Committee voted unanimously “ought to pass” on LD 112 ” An Act to Acknowledge Potable Water as a Necessity.” They voted unanimously “ought not to pass” on
LD 1358, “An Act to Further the Public Interest In All Maine Waters”, LD 413 ” An Act to Ensure the Rights
of Citizens to Groundwater in the State” and LD 197 “An Act to Convene a Working Group to Authorize a Public Trust for Maine’s Groundwater”. The Committee voted to move LD 1474 “An Act to Ensure Water Equity and Accountability for the People of the State”, sponsored by Rep. Hickman, to the Legislative Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee. The work session is not yet scheduled.

c) Tomorrow, April 26th, at 10 am the Environment and Natural Resources Committee will hold a work session on LD 401, An Act To Preserve State Landfill Capacity and Promote Recycling,” would request the accurate tracking and record keeping of waste from its generation to final disposal point, including as landfill leachate discharged into Maine waterways, including Juniper Ridge Landfill leachate deposited into the Penobscot River. It would walk back a 2011 state statute that allows out of state waste to be re-classified as in-state waste. It would also walk back the ability for the state to meet recycling goals by counting construction and demolition debris used as landfill covering and waste biosolids used as agricultural fertilizer. It would strengthen protections for the health of those living in close proximity to waste disposal facilities, including the Penobscot Nation.

To listen to the work session:

Nickie Sekera, Community Water Justice

Hillary Lister, solid waste and environmental justice activist, Contact info: [email protected] or 207-314-4692

Today’s program was produced with the Sunlight Media Collective.

RadioActive 4/11/19 Proposed Water Bills Would Impact Industrial Water Extraction in Maine

Proposed Water Bills Would Impact Industrial Water Extraction in Maine

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

a) Today we speak with watchdog group Nickie Sekera at Community Water Justice about five bills that could impact industrial water extraction in Maine, specifically by Poland Spring, owned by Nestle Waters North America.

b) A public hearing on the bills was before the Maine Legislature’s Environment and Natural Resources Committee on April 10th, attended by representatives of state agencies, water districts, watch dog groups and industry, including Nestle North America.
The bills being considered are LD 1474 “An Act to Ensure Water Equity and Accountability for the People of the State”, sponsored by Rep. Hickman, LD 1121 ” An act to Acknowledge Potable Water as a Necessity. Sponsored by Senator Chenette, LD 197 “An Act to Convene a Working Group to Authorize a Public Trust for Maine’s Groundwater”, sponsored by Rep. Sylvester, LD 413 ” An Act to Ensure the Rights of Citizens to Groundwater in the State”, sponsored by Rep Riseman, An Act to Further the Public Interest In All Maine Waters, sponsored by Lori Gramlich

The Legislature’s Environment and Natural Resources Committee will hold its work session on the bills Wednesday, April 24th.

Guest: Nickie Sekera, Community Water Justice

Today’s program was produced with the Sunlight Media Collective.

c) Directly following the public hearing before the ENR, Poland Spring/ Nestle North America released a video and ran full page ads in state news papers promoting their business and commitment “to preserve and protect one of Maine’s most valuable resources.”

RadioActive 1/25/18

Producer: Meredith DeFrancesco

Nestle/Poland Spring Manager Appointed to Maine Board of Environmental Protection and Trump Moves to Open Offshore Drilling

-Today, we look at the appointment and confirmation of Nestle/Poland Springs natural resources manager Mark Dubois to Maine’s Board of Environmental Protection (BEP), and the close relationship between industry and regulators in the state.

-Poland Springs, a subsidiary of Nestle, has been pursuing aggressive expansion of their wells in Maine. Dubois oversees the selection of new spring sites.

-In April, President Trump signed an executive order instructing the Dept of Interior to write new rules for offshore oil and gas drilling, as part of “America First Offshore Energy Strategy”. The Trump Administration’s new plan aims to open close to 90% of the US outer continental shelf for drilling, including off the coast of Maine. The Dept of Interior is accepting public comments on the plan until March 9th.

Nickie Sekera, Community Water Justice
Lisa Pohlmann, Natural Resources Council of Maine

RadioActive 10/26/17

Producer: Meredith DeFrancesco

Environmental and Social Justice: Nurse’s Delegation to Puerto Rico and Nestle’s Commodification of Maine Water

a) Today we speak with Amy Lee Tidd, a registered nurse from Bangor, who has just returned from two weeks in Puerto Rico as part of a Registered Nurse Response Network delegation.
b) We talk with her about the continuing health crisis in Puerto Rico, with lack of potable water, food, safe housing and the electricity needed to power life saving medical equipment.
c) We also hear from water rights activist, Nickie Sekera, on Nestle/Poland Spring’s commodification of Maine water.

Guests by name and affiliation:
Amy Lee Tidd, Bangor nurse with National Nurses Unites, Registered Nurse Response Network (RNRN)
Nickie Sekera, Community Water Justice