Archives for MOFGA

RadioActive 5/14/09

Producers/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco and Amy Browne
Topics: An update on agriculture and pesticide spraying bills, affordable housing for farmers and fishers in Washington County, the Panama Free Trade agreement
**Second audio file is the interview on housing in Washington County in it’s entirety**
Guests: Heather Spaulding, MOFGA; Logan Perkins; Anais Tomezsko, Mano en Mano; Sarah Bigney, Maine Fair Trade Campaign

Talk of the Towns 3/13/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Guests: Russell Libby, Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners,; James McConnon, University of Maine Cooperative Extension; Daniel Price and Ginger McDermott, Freedom Farm, Freedom Maine; Greg Veilleaux, Bar Harbor Town Council Member, supporter of farmers market there; Keith Small, Washington-Hancock Community Agency

Topic: Farmer’s Markets Connect People and Communities to Food
What role do farmers markets play for small farmers? What role do you see farmers markets play in connecting people to local food, and why does that matter? Are farmers markets part of larger trends influencing Maine food systems?
FMI on the farmers market convention: click on “Farm to Market”