Archives for Americans Who Tell the Truth

WERU Special: Robert Shetterly- Americans Who Tell the Truth 11/25/16

Producer/Host: Carolyn Coe

Topic: Americans Who Tell the Truth portrait series

What does Shetterly see as the obligation of artists in society?
What informs Shetterly’s decision to paint someone’s portrait for the Americans Who Tell the Truth series?
What is the Samantha Smith challenge?

Robert Shetterly, artist and activist

Memorial Day Special: Shetterly & McGovern 5/27/13

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: Matt Murphy

Award-winning artist and activist Robert Shetterly talks with former CIA agent Ray McGovern, one of the subjects in Shetterly’s portrait series “Americans Who Tell the Truth” ,

From Ray McGovern’s website:
“Ray came from his native New York to Washington in the early Sixties as an Army infantry/intelligence officer and then served as a CIA analyst from the administration of John F. Kennedy to that of George H. W. Bush. Ray’s
duties included chairing National Intelligence Estimates and preparing the President’s Daily Brief, which he
briefed one-on-one to President Ronald Reagan’s most senior national security advisers from 1981 to 1985.
In January 2003, Ray helped create Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) to expose the way
intelligence was being falsified to “justify” war on Iraq. On the afternoon of the day (Feb. 5, 2003) Secretary of State Colin Powell misled the UN Security Council on Iraq, VIPS sent an urgent memorandum to President George
W. Bush, in which we gave Powell a C minus for content. We ended the memo with this”

WERU News Special Report 6/13/11

Producer/Editor: Amy Browne
Interviewer: Robert Shetterly

Award-winning artist and activist Robert Shetterly continues his series of conversations with the subjects of his portrait series “Americans Who Tell the Truth” in this conversation with Jessalyn Radack of the Government Accountability Project, a whistle-blower protection agency. Radack talks about her own experiences as a government employee and whistle-blower, and about the upcoming espionage trial for former NSA staffer Thomas Drake.

FMI: ,

Special: Shetterly & Crowther 7/22/10

Producer/Host/Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Award-winning artist and activist Robert Shetterly continues his series of conversations with the subjects of his portrait series “Americans Who Tell the Truth”,    This morning he’s here at the WERU studios with journalist and essayist Hal Crowther—a man with some very strong opinions about the Tea Party Movement (among other things).


RadioActive 7/24/08

Producers/Hosts: Amy Browne & Meredith DeFrancesco

Topic/Guests:  Award-winning local artist and activist Robert Shetterly talks with Teri Blanton.  Blanton is a survivor of a Superfund toxic waste site near her home in Harlan County, Kentucky.  Her courageous stand against the abuses of coal companies has won her notoriety within her state.  An active member of Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, Teri’s personal mission is to reach out to her community about the issue of Mountaintop Removal Mining.    Teri Blanton will give the keynote speech at the 2008 WERU Full Circle Fair in Blue Hill, Maine on Saturday, July 26th, 2008.  Robert Shetterly will also be painting her portrait for his series “Americans Who Tell the Truth”.


**Please note that a typo in the Fair Guide states that Blanton’s keynote will be 2:30-3:30p.m. and that information was given on today’s show.  The correct time is 1:30-2:30pm.