RadioActive 10/18/07

Producers/hosts: Amy Browne and Meredith DeFrancesco

Topic: Plum Creek announces another round of changes to their plans for massive development in the Moosehead Lake Region. Is this good news? Has anyone seen the “small print”? What do local environmentalists think? We talk with Cathy Johnson, Senior Staff Attorney and North Woods Project Coordinator of the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), and Emily Posner and Jim Freeman of the Native Forest Network. Also, “The Ballad of Moosehead Lake” by David Dodson


Natural Resources Council of Maine (and “Ballad of Moosehead Lake”):

Native Forest Network Maine office: 207-469-2552 or [email protected]

Land Use Regulatory Commission (LURC) materials on Plum Creek proposal:

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 10/18/07

Producer/host: Jim Campbell

Topic: Today, let’s check up on a few recent technological developments that will affect our lives in both cyberspace and physical space, ranging from new Onstar technology that can override your control of the engine in your car to new microwave weapons that can humanely fry people. Technology is great, technology is dangerous – take your pick.

Indigenous Voices 10/16/07

Producers/hosts: Rhonda Frey and Meredith DeFrancesco
Segment 1: Passamaquoddy members sue the BIA for lack of procedure before they approved the lease with LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) developers
Segment 2: The proposed tribal racino in Washington County

Guests: Vera Francis, Passamaquoddy tribal member; Donald Soctomah, Passamaquoddy Representative to the Maine Legislature

How should the BIA have observed the National Environmental Policy Act? The National Historic Preservation Act? The Endangered Species Act?  How would the racino benefit the tribe?

FMI: or