WERU Special 12/28/06: William McDonough at COA

Producer/host: Jim Campbell

William McDonough is a world-renowned architect and co-author of “Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things”. He spoke about designing for human and ecological health at the 14th annual conference of the Society of Human Ecology at the College of the Atlantic (COA) in October 2006

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/28/06

Producer/host: Jim Campbell

Yup, it’s time once again for the “this year I’m really going to do it” hard
drive cleanup New Year’s Resolution edition of Notes from the Electronic
Cottage. As the famous sports shoe maker says: “Just do IT!” but before you
start, you might want to listen to this first to get a more full idea of
what “IT” is.

Talk of the Towns 12/22/06

Producer/host: Ron Beard

Topic: Changing Nature of Democracy: How are citizens changing the way government works? What are ways to make government more responsive? What are the techniques for engaging citizens, experts and policy makers in dialogue?

Guests: Matt Leighninger, author of “The Next Form of Democracy”; Barbara Peppey, Healthy Peninsula, Blue Hill; State Rep. Jim Schatz, Blue Hill

Call in show

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/21/06

Producer/host: Jim Campbell
Planning a trip to the United Kingdom? If so, you’d better figure on having
your car photographed, being seen on hundreds of video cameras, and just
generally being kept tabs on by the government. At least that is the
conclusion of Privacy International, which ranked the UK as the third most
surveilled society in the world. And, oh yeah, you may have to put your
finger in a fingerprint reader if you plan to go into a pub. Here’s the