World Ocean Radio 9/25/24: Insuring the Deep Sea

Host: Peter Neill
Trisha Badger

Insurance is everywhere, established to transfer risk or to compensate for loss. Deep-sea mining has attracted much attention lately, as we look to offshore exploration and extraction for energy and mineral resources. As the UN International Seabed Authority deliberates standards and regulations related to drilling into the ocean floor, insurers of deep-sea risk are calculating  loss as potentially so great that no coverage would be adequate to cover the costs of consequence, and no payment large enough to mitigate the risk of deep-sea mining.

5-minute weekly insights dive into ocean science, advocacy and education hosted by Peter Neill, lifelong ocean advocate and maritime expert. A catalog of more than 700 episodes offer perspectives on global ocean issues and viable solutions, and celebrate exemplary projects. Available for RSS feed and for broadcast by college and community radio stations worldwide. You will also find this week’s World Ocean Radio episode at, at where the full catalog of episodes is searchable by theme, and wherever you listen to podcasts.

World Ocean Radio 9/4/24: How to Understand the Ocean in the 21st Century

Host: Peter Neill
Trisha Badger

It has been nearly twenty years since the Ocean Literacy Principles and Framework were first adopted by classroom educators to promote the ocean as a central focus for climate, water, food, health, exploration, science, and more. Today it has been incorporated into the agenda of the UN IOC; it seems Ocean Literacy is riding a new wave of interest and possibility. This week on World Ocean Radio we are laying out the basic tenets and truths of Ocean Literacy, describing the foundational assumptions that underlie the matrix, including the first principle: the earth is one big ocean with many features.

5-minute weekly insights dive into ocean science, advocacy and education hosted by Peter Neill, lifelong ocean advocate and maritime expert. A catalog of more than 700 episodes offer perspectives on global ocean issues and viable solutions, and celebrate exemplary projects. Available for RSS feed and for broadcast by college and community radio stations worldwide. You will also find this week’s World Ocean Radio episode at, at where the full catalog of episodes is searchable by theme, and wherever you listen to podcasts.

World Ocean Radio 8/28/24: Eustacy, a Word for the Ocean

Host: Peter Neill
Trisha Badger

Eustacy is a word used to describe worldwide changes of sea level. This is a new word for us: even though it seems we live in a eustatic world. We’re using this newly-discovered word to distill the five areas of our existence where the ocean matters most: fresh water, the ocean-fresh water continuum, energy, food, health, and exchange.

5-minute weekly insights dive into ocean science, advocacy and education hosted by Peter Neill, lifelong ocean advocate and maritime expert. A catalog of more than 700 episodes offer perspectives on global ocean issues and viable solutions, and celebrate exemplary projects. Available for RSS feed and for broadcast by college and community radio stations worldwide. You will also find this week’s World Ocean Radio episode at, at where the full catalog of episodes is searchable by theme, and wherever you listen to podcasts.

World Ocean Radio 8/14/24: UN Action: A Call for Ocean Communication

Host: Peter Neill
Trisha Badger

This week on World Ocean Radio: synopsis of a recent report by the UN Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission entitled “Call to All Voices of the Ocean— Consultation of Civil Society in Preparation of the Next United Nations Ocean Conference” addressing issues and providing recommendations and specific actions related to ocean climate, science, and policy. One glaring omission: a powerful specific call for action—a plan through communication that will amplify, advocate, educate, and initiate the change required to connect us all through the sea.

5-minute weekly insights dive into ocean science, advocacy and education hosted by Peter Neill, lifelong ocean advocate and maritime expert. A catalog of more than 700 episodes offer perspectives on global ocean issues and viable solutions, and celebrate exemplary projects. Available for RSS feed and for broadcast by college and community radio stations worldwide. You will also find this week’s World Ocean Radio episode at, at where the full catalog of episodes is searchable by theme, and wherever you listen to podcasts.

World Ocean Radio 7/31/24: Spilhaus World Ocean Map

Host: Peter Neill
Trisha Badger

Visualization: it is a powerful tool for understanding beyond data. Visualizations open our minds and enable transformative change through a new way of seeing. This week we’re discussing the Spilhaus World Ocean Map, a projection of earth centered on Antarctica that makes the ocean the focus of an astonishing worldview, pushing the land to the outer edges of the square and re-organizing our global geography around the true natural systems of the world ocean.

5-minute weekly insights dive into ocean science, advocacy and education hosted by Peter Neill, lifelong ocean advocate and maritime expert. A catalog of more than 700 episodes offer perspectives on global ocean issues and viable solutions, and celebrate exemplary projects. Available for RSS feed and for broadcast by college and community radio stations worldwide. You will also find this week’s World Ocean Radio episode at, at where the full catalog of episodes is searchable by theme, and wherever you listen to podcasts.

World Ocean Radio 7/24/24: Bright Ideas Toward a Sustainable Future

Host: Peter Neill
Trisha Badger

This week we are discussing two technological innovations, both bright ideas that could have huge impacts for useful, sustainable change for the future. The first is WaterCube, a machine that pulls vapor from the air and condenses it into liquid form for household use and disaster relief; the second is Sway, a farmed seaweed application designed to create a compostable packaging that is biodegradable and chemical free.

5-minute weekly insights dive into ocean science, advocacy and education hosted by Peter Neill, lifelong ocean advocate and maritime expert. A catalog of more than 700 episodes offer perspectives on global ocean issues and viable solutions, and celebrate exemplary projects. Available for RSS feed and for broadcast by college and community radio stations worldwide. You will also find this week’s World Ocean Radio episode at, at where the full catalog of episodes is searchable by theme, and wherever you listen to podcasts.

World Ocean Radio 7/17/24: The Internal Price on Nature

Host: Peter Neill
Trisha Badger

As we review the state of climate change challenge and response, it becomes clear we are not succeeding. Is it possible to craft a new economic system that values natural resource sustainability over depletion of those resources? Can we conceive a new economics, a forward-directed system of financial valuation and exchange based on the asset value of Nature? We’re discussing this and more this week on World Ocean Radio.

5-minute weekly insights dive into ocean science, advocacy and education hosted by Peter Neill, lifelong ocean advocate and maritime expert. A catalog of more than 700 episodes offer perspectives on global ocean issues and viable solutions, and celebrate exemplary projects. Available for RSS feed and for broadcast by college and community radio stations worldwide. You will also find this week’s World Ocean Radio episode at, at where the full catalog of episodes is searchable by theme, and wherever you listen to podcasts.

World Ocean Radio 7/10/24: Plastic: Cycle and Recycle

Host: Peter Neill
Trisha Badger

How old is water? Where on earth is it found? How is it circulated, cycled, and recycled? We know where water is distributed on the planet down to the fraction of a percentage. We know that water is finite in volume and its utility is constant. What happens when we pollute water? What happens when there is no water? We discuss all things water this week on World Ocean Radio.

5-minute weekly insights dive into ocean science, advocacy and education hosted by Peter Neill, lifelong ocean advocate and maritime expert. A catalog of more than 700 episodes offer perspectives on global ocean issues and viable solutions, and celebrate exemplary projects. Available for RSS feed and for broadcast by college and community radio stations worldwide. You will also find this week’s World Ocean Radio episode at, at where the full catalog of episodes is searchable by theme, and wherever you listen to podcasts.