Search Results for Wabanaki Windows Sovereignty

Wabanaki Windows 11/22/22: Sovereignty and its meaning: A 2 part series

Producer/Host: Donna Loring
Other credits: Technical assistance for the show was provided by Joel Mann WERU Orland Maine and Jessica Lockhart of WMPG Portland Portland Maine.
Music for the show was from the CD Dream Walk by Rolfe Richter

Wabanaki Windows is a monthly show featuring topics of interest from a Wabanaki perspective.

This month: This show is the 7th and final show in this 2 part series. On this show we will discuss what we feel are the most important take aways from the series.
1.Land was the very foundation of the Nation Washington was building
2.High points of the history of the sovereignty Process
3.The past is a prologue to the future. Where are we now?

Professor Harald Prins is a distinguished professor of Anthropology and an Emeritis at Kansas State University. He is an expert in Wabanaki History.
Professor Darren Ranco is a Penobscot Tribal Member and an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Chair of Native American Studies at the University of Maine Orono.

About the host:
Donna M Loring is a Penobscot Indian Nation Tribal Elder, and former Council Member. She represented the Penobscot Nation in the State Legislature for over a decade. She is a former Senior Advisor on Tribal Affairs to Governor Mills. She is the author of “In The Shadow of The Eagle A Tribal Representative In Maine”. Donna has an Annual lecture series in her name at the University of New England that addresses Social Justice and Human Rights issues. In 2017 She received an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Humane Letters from the University of Maine Orono and was given the Alumni Service Award. It is the most prestigious recognition given by the University of Maine Alumni Association. It is presented Annually to a University of Maine graduate whose life’s work is marked by outstanding achievements in professional, business, civic and/or Public service areas. Donna received a second Honorary Doctorate from Thomas College in May of 2022

Wabanaki Windows 10/25/22: Sovereignty and its meaning: A 2 part series

Producer/Host: Donna Loring
Other credits: Technical assistance for the show was provided by Joel Mann WERU Orland Maine and Jessica Lockhart of WMPG Portland Portland Maine.
Music for the show was from the CD Dream Walk by Rolfe Richter

Wabanaki Windows is a monthly show featuring topics of interest from a Wabanaki perspective.

This month:
Sovereignty and its meaning: A 2 part series. This show is the 6th show in the part 2 series. On this show we will review the highlights of our past sovereignty series and discuss what we each found most interesting and or important.
-The top issues each guest sees as important in the historic Tribal/State Relationship
-The important role of Land ownership
-The resurrection of Wampum Belt Diplomacy

Professor Harald Prins is a distinguished professor of Anthropology and an Emeritis at Kansas State University. He is an expert in Wabanaki History.
Professor Darren Ranco is a Penobscot Tribal Member and an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Chair of Native American Studies at the University of Maine Orono.

About the host:
Donna M Loring is a Penobscot Indian Nation Tribal Elder, and former Council Member. She represented the Penobscot Nation in the State Legislature for over a decade. She is a former Senior Advisor on Tribal Affairs to Governor Mills. She is the author of “In The Shadow of The Eagle A Tribal Representative In Maine”. Donna has an Annual lecture series in her name at the University of New England that addresses Social Justice and Human Rights issues. In 2017 She received an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Humane Letters from the University of Maine Orono and was given the Alumni Service Award. It is the most prestigious recognition given by the University of Maine Alumni Association. It is presented Annually to a University of Maine graduate whose life’s work is marked by outstanding achievements in professional, business, civic and/or Public service areas. Donna received a second Honorary Doctorate from Thomas College in May of 2022

Wabanaki Windows 7/26/22: Sovereignty and its meaning: A 2 part series.

Producer/Host: Donna Loring
Other credits: Technical assistance for the show was provided by Joel Mann WERU Orland Maine and Jessica Lockhart of WMPG Portland Portland Maine.
Music for the show was from the CD Dream Walk by Rolfe Richter

Wabanaki Windows is a monthly show featuring topics of interest from a Wabanaki perspective. The issue this month is: Sovereignty and its meaning. This show is the 4th show in the part 2 series.

Tribal Sovereignty was never recognized by the State. This non-recognition was used to Control and marginalize the Tribes and as Dr. Ranco suggested this attitude is embedded into the DNA of the State.

The refusal of the State to recognize our sovereignty has kept the State in control and allowed it to enrich itself at the Tribes expense. We will follow this thread of State enrichment at Tribal expense.

-The historic blue print the state followed to keep control
-Land Claims issues that kept the Tribes in poverty
-Present effect of the Land Claims good and bad

Professor Harald Prins is a distinguished professor of Anthropology and an Emeritis at Kansas State University. He is an expert in Wabanaki History.
Professor Darren Ranco is a Penobscot Tribal Member and an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Chair of Native American Studies at the University of Maine Orono.
Maria Girouard is a Penobscot Nation Tribal Member, she is the Executive Director of Wabanaki Reach, A statewide organization working towards truth, healing and change. She has a master’s degree in history. Her thesis was written on the Land Claims Act. She continues to research the Act.

About the host:

Donna M Loring is a Penobscot Indian Nation Tribal Elder, and former Council Member. She represented the Penobscot Nation in the State Legislature for over a decade. She is a former Senior Advisor on Tribal Affairs to Governor Mills. She is the author of “In The Shadow of The Eagle A Tribal Representative In Maine”. Donna has an Annual lecture series in her name at the University of New England that addresses Social Justice and Human Rights issues. In 2017 She received an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Humane Letters from the University of Maine Orono and was given the Alumni Service Award. It is the most prestigious recognition given by the University of Maine Alumni Association. It is presented Annually to a University of Maine graduate whose life’s work is marked by outstanding achievements in professional, business, civic and/or Public service areas. Donna received a second Honorary Doctorate from Thomas College in May of 2022

Wabanaki Windows 6/28/22: The Meaning of Sovereignty

Producer/Host: Donna Loring
Other credits: Technical assistance for the show was provided by Joel Mann WERU Orland Maine and Jessica Lockhart of WMPG Portland Portland Maine.
Music for the show was from the CD Dream Walk by Rolfe Richter

Wabanaki Windows is a monthly show featuring topics of interest from a Wabanaki perspective. The issue this month is: Sovereignty and its meaning: A 2 part series.

This show is the 3rd show in the part 2 series.

In this episode Professors Harald Prins, Darren Ranco and Host Donna Loring discuss the on going historical develops between the Wabanaki Tribes of Maine and the State. The meaning of Sovereignty from the Tribal perspective and from the State’s perspective. Two very different views resulting in years of conflict and litigation. This show continues to look at the Land Claims Settlement Act. This Act defines the present relationship between the Wabanaki Tribes and the State of Maine. We follow the thread from the John Deane’s Letter of 1829 to the Land Claims Settlement of 1980. We will clearly see why this Act was allowed to become law.

Key Discussion Points:
1. John Deane’s Coercive Plan
2. State of Maine’s Coercive Plan laid out in 1942
3. Culmination of those plans with the signing of the 1980 Settlement Act

Professor Harald Prins is a distinguished professor of Anthropology and an Emeritis at Kansas State University. He is an expert in Wabanaki History.
Professor Darren Ranco is a Penobscot Tribal Member and an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Chair of Native American Studies at the University of Maine Orono.

About the host:

Donna M Loring is a Penobscot Indian Nation Tribal Elder, and former Council Member. She represented the Penobscot Nation in the State Legislature for over a decade. She is a former Senior Advisor on Tribal Affairs to Governor Mills. She is the author of “In The Shadow of The Eagle A Tribal Representative In Maine”. Donna has an Annual lecture series in her name at the University of New England that addresses Social Justice and Human Rights issues. In 2017 She received an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Humane Letters from the University of Maine Orono and was given the Alumni Service Award. It is the most prestigious recognition given by the University of Maine Alumni Association. It is presented Annually to a University of Maine graduate whose life’s work is marked by outstanding achievements in professional, business, civic and/or Public service areas. Donna received a second Honorary Doctorate from Thomas College in May of 2022

Wabanaki Windows 5/24/22: Tribal Sovereignty in Maine

Producer/Host: Donna Loring
Other credits: Technical assistance for the show was provided by Joel Mann WERU Orland Maine and Jessica Lockhart of WMPG Portland Portland Maine.
Music for the show was from the CD Dream Walk by Rolfe Richter

Wabanaki Windows is a monthly show featuring topics of interest from a Wabanaki perspective. The issue this month is: Sovereignty and its meaning: A 2-part series.

We discuss the Maine Land Claims Settlement Act and its effect on Maine Tribal Sovereignty.
We look at Act from a different perspective not just who got what but what was happening on a Federal level at the time of the Maine Land Claims Settlement Act.

Key Discussion Points:
1. National Events in Indian Country in the 1940’s -1980
2. Maine State Court Case Opinions prior to 1980 ACT
3.Micmac Settlement Act how its different


Profs Harald Prins and Darren Ranco.

Prof Prins is a native of the Netherlands he is a Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and an Emeritus at Kansas State Univ.. Professor Darren Ranco is a member of the Penobscot Nation and an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Chair of Native American Studies at the University of Maine.

About the host:

Donna M Loring is a Penobscot Indian Nation Tribal Elder, and former Council Member. She represented the Penobscot Nation in the State Legislature for over a decade. She is a former Senior Advisor on Tribal Affairs to Governor Mills. She is the author of “In The Shadow of The Eagle A Tribal Representative In Maine”. Donna has an Annual lecture series in her name at the University of New England that addresses Social Justice and Human Rights issues. In 2017 She received an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Humane Letters from the University of Maine Orono and was given the Alumni Service Award. It is the most prestigious recognition given by the University of Maine Alumni Association. It is presented Annually to a University of Maine graduate whose life’s work is marked by outstanding achievements in professional, business, civic and/or Public service areas

Wabanaki Windows 4/26/22: Sovereignty and its Meaning: A 2-part series.

Producer/Host: Donna Loring
Other credits: Technical assistance for the show was provided by Joel Mann WERU Orland Maine and Jessica Lockhart of WMPG Portland Portland Maine.
Music for the show was from the CD Dream Walk by Rolfe Richter

Wabanaki Windows is a monthly show featuring topics of interest from a Wabanaki perspective. The issue this month is: Sovereignty and its meaning: A 2-part series.

This show is the first show of the part 2 series.

In this episode Professors Harald Prins, Darren Ranco and Host Donna Loring discuss the on going historical develops between the Wabanaki Tribes of Maine and the State. The meaning of Sovereignty from the Tribal perspective and from the State’s perspective. Two very different views resulting in years of conflict and litigation. This show details the time period in the early 1970’s leading up to the Land Claims Settlement Act and Act that has been used as a club to subjugate the Wabanaki Tribes.

Key Discussion Points:
-Economic environment in the early 1970’s
-State Court cases that shaped the relationship between the State and the Tribes
-State of Maine Civil Rights Commission Report of 1974 tells the true state of the Tribes at the time.

Professor Harald Prins is a distinguished professor of Anthropology and an Emeritis at Kansas State University. He an expert in Wabanaki History.
Professor Darren Ranco is a Penobscot Tribal Member and an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Chair of Native American Studies at the University of Maine Orono.

About the host:

Donna M Loring is a Penobscot Indian Nation Tribal Elder, and former Council Member. She represented the Penobscot Nation in the State Legislature for over a decade. She is a former Senior Advisor on Tribal Affairs to Governor Mills. She is the author of “In The Shadow of The Eagle A Tribal Representative In Maine”. Donna has an Annual lecture series in her name at the University of New England that addresses Social Justice and Human Rights issues. In 2017 She received an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Humane Letters from the University of Maine Orono and was given the Alumni Service Award. It is the most prestigious recognition given by the University of Maine Alumni Association. It is presented Annually to a University of Maine graduate whose life’s work is marked by outstanding achievements in professional, business, civic and/or Public service areas

Wabanaki Windows 3/22/22: ‘Unpacking Sovereignty’ (12th in a series)

Producer/Host: Donna Loring
Production assistance: Jessica Lockart, WMPG

Key Discussion Points:
a) Newly discovered George Washington Letter
b) Doctrine of Discovery/Indians not taxed
c) Sovereignty Lessons learned in Part 1

Guests: Professors Harald Prins Historian and expert on Wabanaki History University of Nebraska, Dr. Darren Ranco, Asoc Prof of Anthropology and Chair of Native American Programs University of Maine

About the host:

Donna M Loring is a Penobscot Indian Nation Tribal Elder, and former Council Member. She represented the Penobscot Nation in the State Legislature for over a decade. She is a former Senior Advisor on Tribal Affairs to Governor Mills. She is the author of “In The Shadow of The Eagle A Tribal Representative In Maine”. Donna has an Annual lecture series in her name at the University of New England that addresses Social Justice and Human Rights issues. In 2017 She received an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Humane Letters from the University of Maine Orono and was given the Alumni Service Award. It is the most prestigious recognition given by the University of Maine Alumni Association. It is presented Annually to a University of Maine graduate whose life’s work is marked by outstanding achievements in professional, business, civic and/or Public service areas

Wabanaki Windows 2/22/22: ‘Unpacking Sovereignty’ (11th in a series)

Producer/Host: Donna Loring
Production assistance: Jessica Lockart, WMPG

-The time period between the 50’s and the 70’s
-Policy and bills used to Terminate the Maine Tribes
-Importance of Allies

Guests: Professors Harald Prins Historian and expert on Wabanaki History University of Nebraska, Dr. Darren Ranco, Asoc Prof of Anthropology and Chair of Native American Programs University of Maine

About the host:

Donna M Loring is a Penobscot Indian Nation Tribal Elder, and former Council Member. She represented the Penobscot Nation in the State Legislature for over a decade. She is a former Senior Advisor on Tribal Affairs to Governor Mills. She is the author of “In The Shadow of The Eagle A Tribal Representative In Maine”. Donna has an Annual lecture series in her name at the University of New England that addresses Social Justice and Human Rights issues. In 2017 She received an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Humane Letters from the University of Maine Orono and was given the Alumni Service Award. It is the most prestigious recognition given by the University of Maine Alumni Association. It is presented Annually to a University of Maine graduate whose life’s work is marked by outstanding achievements in professional, business, civic and/or Public service areas