Talk of the Towns 4/12/19

The Union River and Relicensing for Electrical Generation

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Joel Mann

What do we know about the ecology and history of the Union River and its watershed?

What do we know about the current use of the Union River to generate electricity?

What concerns have your organizations focused on as part of the relicensing process?
Fish passage (alewives, eels, salmon, etc)
Water level changes and sedimentation at Graham Lake
Recreational use of the river

What concerns have been expressed by others (City of Ellsworth, property owners along Leonard Lake, alewife harvesters, etc.?

What are the various scenarios that you see developing… whether or not there is a renewed license? Fish passage, dam removal, water level control on Graham Lake?


Dwayne Shaw, Executive Director, Downeast Salmon Federation
Brad Perry, Friends of Graham Lake
Mark Whiting, retired biologist, Maine DEP