Talk of the Towns 5/12/17

Host: Ron Beard, Emeritus Professor, University of Maine
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Community concerns and opportunities

Program Topic: A Climate to Thrive seeks energy independence for Mount Desert Island

Key Discussion Points:

1. A climate to thrive is working on “energy independence” by 2030… what does that mean? What is most compelling about solar energy in the pursuit of energy independence?
2. What are the main elements of your solar work, including Solarize MDI?
3. What is the Community Energy Center at College of the Atlantic, and what projects does it carry out?
4. What are some of the barriers facing community solar initiatives? How are you working to surmount those barriers? A Recent Maine PUC Ruling is negative long-term but provides an incentive for installing solar in 2017.
5. What advice do you have for listeners in other communities?
6. Given your longer term vision of energy independence, what are your mid-term hopes… what would you like to see happening over the next five years.

Joe Blotnick, Coordinator, A Climate to Thrive
Gary Friedmann, Chair, A Climate to Thrive Advisory Board, Town Councilor, Bar Harbor
Anna Demeo, College of the Atlantic, Director of Energy Education and Management