Talk of the Towns 1/13/17

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Community concerns and opportunities

Program Topic: Making Age Friendly Communities in Maine

Key Discussion Points:
As people the world over grow older, there is more attention paid to making their communities “age friendly”… what might be a good working definition of “age friendly community”?
How did the Bangor, Ellsworth and Bar Harbor decide to sign on as partners in the AARP Age Friendly Community Network? …
What are some of the opportunities / problems you would like to address?
Who is involved in your community (characterize the network within your towns)?
What challenges and successes are you finding in your work?
What are your hopes for the future of your communities and Maine as we create communities that are more “age friendly?”

Patricia Oh, LMSW, MS Livable, Age-Friendly Communities Consultant AARP Maine
Jo Cooper, Executive Director, Friends in Action, Ellsworth
Doreen Willett, Executive Director, Island Connections, Bar Harbor
Patty Hamilton, APRN, City of Bangor Public Health and Community Service