Talk of the Towns 1/10/14

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Community concerns and opportunities

Program Topic: Maine Legislative Action: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Key Discussion Points :

• Each guest provides background on themselves, what motivated them to serve in the Legislature, what committees they serve on…
• What were the highlights of the first session of the 126th Legislature for you, coming primarily from your committee work?
• Beyond work on bills you sponsored or those your committee took up, what were the main accomplishments of the 2013 session?
• What were the main challenges for you and your legislative colleagues?
• Talk about your approach to being a legislator… what is the balance, for you, in pursuing what your constituents are interested in, what makes sense to you as a citizen-policymaker, and how you are guided by your party?
• What are the most effective ways for citizens to make their views known, both to you as individual legislators, and to the legislative leadership?
• Looking ahead… what are the major issues/bills that your committee will be looking at in the upcoming session?
• What are some of the other issues/challenges/opportunities that you expect to see in 2014?
• What have you found to be the most satisfying part of your role as legislator and your hopes for the year ahead

State Representative Brian Hubbell, Bar Harbor
State Representative Walter Kumiega Deer
State Representative Richard Malaby, Hancock