Archives for Wendy’s

RadioActive 3/20/14

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

Issue: Environmental and Social Justice

Program Topic: Coalition of Immokalee Workers Movement at Wendy’s Headquarters and Ellsworth Solidarity Action; Tribal Scholars Event on Wabanaki Self Determination

Key Discussion Points (list at least 3):
a) This month, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers completed a 10 day “Now is the Time” bus tour, calling on the Wendy’s fast food chain, and regional supermarket chain Publix, to join the Fair Food Program. 12 other retailers have already done so, committing them to pay farmworkers a penny per pound more for Florida’s winter tomatoes and to buy from growers adhering to a fair labor code of conduct. We join the tour at Wendy’s Headquarters in Ohio.
b) A solidarity action was held at the Wendy’s restaurant in Ellsworth on Saturday.
c) Last night, three Wabanaki scholars spoke at Sipayik on the history and implications of settler treaties with the Wabanaki tribes, the Maien Indian Claims Settlement Act and current fisheries issues. It was the fist of a two day series titled “Wabanaki Self Determination: Earth Treaties to Settlement Acts and Beyond”. The second evening will be at the University of Maine at Orono this evening.

Guests by name and affiliation:
A) Lupe Gonzalo, Coalition of Immokalee Workers
B) Cruz Salucio, Coalition of Immoklaee Workers
C) demonstrators at March 8th march on Wendy’s headquarters in Ohio
D) demonstrators at March 15th vigil at Wendy’s in Ellsworth, ME
E) Gail Dana-Sacco, PhD, MPH, Passamaquoddy tribal member,