Archives for water quality

Coastal Conversations 6/26/15

Producer/Host: Natalie Springuel
Studio Engineers: Amy Browne

Issue: Maine coastal and ocean issues

Program Topic: Coastal Beach Water Quality

Key Discussion Points:
-What is the Maine Helathy Beaches Program?
-How clean are Maine Beaches and what are towns like Lincolnville, Rockport, and York doing to keep them clean?
-What is the correlation between heavy rainfall and beach water quality?
-What can citizens do to help keep Maine beaches clean?

Keri Kaczor, Maine Healthy Beaches Program coordinator, UMaine Coop. Extension/Maine Sea Grant
David Kinney, Lincolnville Town Administrator: 
Bob Kennedy, Rockport Conservation Commission
Steve Burns, York Town Manager

Talk of the Towns 5/10/13

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Matt Murphy

Program Topic: Protecting Water Quality as you work on your land

Key Discussion Points:
a) Environmental services: what “services” do our natural systems of land, trees, water provide in a healthy ecosystem, and how does that matter to humans?
b) Why should we be concerned about erosion and other threats to water quality that result from what people do on their land? (Effects on habitat, fish and wildlife, lake ecosystems)
c) What do we know about man-made erosion—historical perspective and current trends? (1938 Yearbook of Agriculture quote) Soil and water districts set up partly in response to the Dust Bowl era, how are they organized, staffed and funded?
d) What are some of the principle causes of erosion in Maine… what are you seeing in Hancock and Penobscot Counties? (farming, home construction, camp roads, gravel and other extraction, timber harvesting, etc)
e) What are we doing about erosion and other threats to water quality? How are soil and water conservation districts approaching this work?
f) Key programs/services for landowners, Partnerships with local government and others
g) Role of education

Short phone interview with Ted Koffman or other on restoring trout habitat through work on culverts
• the status of brook trout in Maine (in comparison with the rest of the northeast)
• the threats from development, agriculture and forest practices
• the solutions that Maine Audubon and the coalition on brook trout are working on
• how listeners and landowners can find out more and get involved

Moving toward a “land ethic” (Aldo Leopold) “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”
Wrap-up and listing of resources for landowners and others

A) Megan Facciolo, Hancock County Soil and Water District
B)Chris Brewer, Penobscot County Soil and Water District
C)Paul Birdsall, Horsepower Farm, Chair, Hancock County SWD
D)Ted Koffman, Exec. Director, Maine Audubon (by phone)

Call In Program

Talk of the Towns 6/24/11

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Topic: Coastal Water Quality for Shellfish and People
Guests: Joe Porada, Chair, Frenchman Bay Regional Shellfish Committee
Senator Lois Snow-Mello, Chair, Marine Resources Committee, Linda Mercer (or other), Department of Marine Resources, Keri Lindberg, Coordinator, Maine Healthy Beaches Program, UMaine Cooperative Extension and Maine Sea Grant