Archives for Union of Concerned Scientists

RadioActive 8/9/18

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

Union of Concerned Scientists on Heat Waves and Climate Change

Key Discussion Points:
a) Today we speak with the Union off Concerned Scientists’ senior climate scientist about climate change and extreme heat events, and what to expect if we do not curtail carbon emissions.
b) The Union of Concerned Scientists has just released two informational compilations/fact sheets on Heat Waves and Climate Change, where they distill the acceleration of extreme heat trends, their connection to human induce climate change and impacts on human health and infrastructure.
c) Based on a preponderance off evidence, these publications conclude if our carbon emissions continue at the current rate, most of the US could see an increase of 20 to 30 more days with temperatures above 90 degrees a year in the coming decades, with the Southeast experiencing a 40-50 day increase. The USC reports, do conclude, however, if global carbon emissions can be kept below 550 parts per million by the year 2100, the projected frequency of heat waves could be greatly reduced.

Guest: Dr. Rachel Licker, Union of Concerned Scientists, senior climate scientist