Archives for Tribal representation

Wabanaki Windows 6/21/16

Producer/Host: Donna Loring

Issue: River case update/ Tribal Representatives

Program Topic: River case and Tribal State issues

Key Discussion Points:
a) What is the current status of the River case?
b) What is the current status of the Tribal Representatives
c) How will the Tribes move forward outside of the State Legislature

Chief Kirk Francis of the Penobscot Nation

Indigenous Voices 7/15/08

Producer/Host: Rhonda Frey

Topic: “In The Shadow of the Eagle- A Tribal Representative in Maine” (2008, Tilbury House)– a discussion with the author, Donna Loring, Penobscot Representative to the Maine State Legislature.

What is the election process of the Penobscot Tribe?  What legislative bills did you work on?  With regard to the “Offensive Names Bill”,  what difficulties did you face in the state, with the media and public?

Donna Loring also has a blog called “Native Voice” which can be found on the Bangor Daily News website,