Archives for “The Dhamma Brothers”

Healthy Options 5/1/13

Host: Andree Bella
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: “The Dhamma Brothers” – Using Vipassana Meditation in Prisons

Key Discussion Points:
a) What is Vipassana meditation, and how was it used with the prisoners at Donaldson prison?
b) What do convicts get from silent meditation?
c) How did this project change your views on the prison system?
d) What interest have other prisons shown in using Vipassana?
e) Is there something inspirational that everyone can learn from these inmates?

Jenny Phillips – Cultural anthropologist, filmmaker, writer and psychotherapist. Director and producer of the award-winning documentary “The Dhamma Brothers”, and author of the book, Letters From the Dhamma Brothers, which received an award from the National Council on Crime and Delinquency. Website: