Archives for Sen. Susan Collins

Maine Currents 5/3/17

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Studio Engineer: John Greenman

Segment 1: Multi-partisan panel discussion on communicating with people with political differences

Segment 2: Indivisible MDI’s April Town Hall for Senator Collins (who did not attend)

Guests: Multi-partisan panel Renee Trust, Ken Gleason, Thomas White (Tim Wilson was unable to join us this week)

WERU thanks Jeff Dobbs who provided us with a recording of the speakers at the Indivisible MDI Town Hall and Jennifer Booher who sent the photos from the event that are posted on WERU’s facebook page.

Indivisible Guide:
MDI Indivisible group:

Maine Currents- independent local news, views and culture, every Wednesday at 4pm on WERU-FM and

Maine Currents 2/22/17

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributor: John Greenman

Segment 1: Public hearings are being held this week on Governor LePage’s proposed 2018-2019 state budget, which would make dramatic cuts to several programs and services that serve some of Maine’s most vulnerable populations. Hospitals, municipalities, social services programs and clergy say they are already stretched beyond their capacities to serve Mainers who fall through the holes that already exist in Maine’s safety nets, and do not have the resources to deal with the consequences of the major cuts being proposed.
The public hearings are drawing overflow crowds to the statehouse. We take you there.

Segment 2: John Greenman reports back from 2 protests in Bangor today, held in conjunction with protests in Lewiston and Portland, calling on Sen. Susan Collins to hold a town hall meeting with her constituents.

Segment 3: A brief update on the developing story at Standing Rock in North Dakota. Standing Rock water defenders were given a deadline of 2pm Mountain time today to leave one of their encampments but some have vowed to stay and continue to resist the Dakota Access Pipeline.

WERU Special: Mainers Speak Out – Palestine 8/7/14

Producers/Hosts: Carolyn Coe & Amy Browne

*Note- Due to a recording error, the introduction to this program was omitted, but the transcript of the intro follows:

Welcome to this WERU Special – Mainers speaking out about Israel and Palestine. It’s August 7th, 2014. I’m Amy Browne.

A group of Mainers visited Senator Collin’s office in Portland earlier this week, to – in their words “object to her support of Israel’s international war crimes against civilians, to the $3.1 billion annual military aid to Israel supplied by U.S. taxpayers, and to the senator representing AIPAC [ the American Israel Public Affairs Committee] rather than her Maine constituents.” WERU’s Carolyn Coe was there and recorded their comments, which we’re going to hear now, then we’ll be opening the phone lines at the half hour for your reaction and comments on the issue.