Archives for Section 702

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/30/17

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

This is not a happy time in Washington as Congress and federal agencies like the FCC are in a big hurry to make laws and regulations before the end of the year. That means a lot of important things that will affect our digital lives don’t make it to the front page or, often, any page. Renewal of Section 702 of the FISA is one of them. A new book, “Beyond Snowden,” offers some suggestions that Congresspeople ought to consider – it offers ways to make our out of control government surveillance of Americans both more effective and more consistent with our Bill of Rights. Here’s how.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/23/17

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

There are lots of things in the digital world to be grateful for so today we offer a few.
And not to put a pallor over those good things, there is one that is not so good that we need to pay attention to right now: Congress’s proposed renewal of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Here are links to some background materials for those who are interested. Review them, form an opinion, and let your congress people know what you think – right away. congress_pushes_competing_laws_in_spy_program_battle/