Archives for online behavior

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 7/6/17

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Do you find yourself behaving differently if you think you are being watched? Most people do. And where is one place many that people feel they are continually being watched? Yup – on the Web. Policy makers and legislators haven’t generally gotten themselves too upset about privacy violations online, but if those privacy concerns affect economic behavior – well, that is a different matter, isn’t it. And now there is empirical evidence that is the case. Here are the numbers.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 5/19/16

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Over 200 years ago, the philosopher Jeremy Bentham proposed a prison model called a Panopticon based on the belief that people change their behavior when they think they may are being watched. Recently, the National Telecommunications Information Administration has confirmed that people are behaving differently online today based on fears about privacy and security. That could be bad news for both our civic and our economic health in the US. To read about the report, go to To listen, click right here.