Archives for Nordic Aquafarms

Maine Currents Special 10/17/18

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Studio Engineer: John Greenman

Local journalist Lawrence Reichard joins us with a report back from his recent trip to the home of Nordic Aquafarms. He traveled to Norway and Denmark to learn more about the company that plans to build a giant land based salmon aquaculture facility in Belfast. We hear what he discovered, and take questions and comments from listeners.

Reichard’s column, Bricks and Mortars appears in the Republican Journal, and can be found online at
FMI or to sign up to receive Bricks and Mortars via email, contact Lawrence Reichard at [email protected]

Maine Currents Special 7/25/18

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Studio Engineer: John Greenman

Questions and concerns about the proposed salmon aquaculture facility in Belfast

Ellie Daniels, Belfast business owner, abutting property owner and member of Local Citizens for SMART Growth
Lawrence Reichard, freelance columnist whose column Bricks and Mortars appears in the Republican Journal , [email protected]

Note: Nordic Aquafarms and a Belfast City Council member who supports this proposal were invited to participate in this program but declined.

Previous coverage of local salmon aquaculture proposals on Maine Currents can be found at the following links:

Maine Currents 6/7/18

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Studio Engineer: John Greenman

Supporters and Opponents Weigh in on the Nordic Aquafarms Proposal to Build a Facility in Belfast

On recent Maine Currents programs we’ve done some reporting on the proposals to build land-based salmon aquaculture facilities in Bucksport and Belfast. Today we follow up with a closer look at the Belfast proposal which seems to be drawing a lot more controversy.

Ellie Daniels, Belfast business owner and resident
Mike Hurley, Belfast City Councilor
Jim Merkel, Belfast resident, author of Radical Simplicity Small Footprints on a Finite Earth (2003)
Ted O’Meara, Nordic Aquafarms spokesperson

Nordic Aquafarm’s “Belfast Questions and Answers”
Local Citizens for SMART Growth facebook page
City of Belfast’s Nordic Aquafarms project info page
The Big Weird World of Salmon Aquafeed – Free Press article by Christine Parrish that was briefly mentioned on the show

Nordic Aquafarms will host a public informational meeting featuring a panel discussion on aquaculture and Maine fisheries at the Hutchinson Center in Belfast on Tuesuday, 06/12/2018 at 6:00pm. See PenBay Pilot for more information