Archives for MEPCO

Maine Currents 5/10/17

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Studio Engineer: John Greenman

“Building Bridges Through Political Diversity” & “Corinna and Charleston Residents Suspicious of a Maine Power Company’s Expansion Plans”

Segment 1: A new discussion/support group called “Building Bridges Through Political Diversity” has started meeting in Belfast with the goal of “find(ing) common ground for people of all political persuasions to work on current issues that affect us all”. We talk with two of the organizers.
Elliot Benjamin has Ph.Ds in mathematics and psychology and has published a number of books and articles on various topics in psychology, philosophy, mathematics, and progressive politics. Betty Sue Easton is a psychotherapist with a practice in Belfast.
FMI: [email protected] or [email protected]

Segment 2: Long-time residents of Corinna and Charleston explain why Maine Electric Power Company (MEPCO)’s plans have them concerned that that a gas pipeline might actually be in the works for what is being touted as a 70 mile electricity transmission line expansion from Chester to Pittsfield —and we hear MEPCO’s response.
Alan Clemence lives in the town of Charleston near the new power line. Alan has been involved in utility issues, industrial engineering, and environmental activism since the late 1970’s.
(Full disclosure: Alan has been a WERU volunteer in years past)
Lorenzo Pizaaro is a retired Brooklyn, New York schoolteacher who now lives in Corinna full time and owns the Second Read used bookstore in Dexter. Lorenzo’s house would be 300 feet from the new transmission line, which he believes would forever change his beautiful homestead.
Everett Simpson is a musician and lifelong resident of Corinna, where he owns farmland and forest. He reports that he is being pressured by MEPCO to sell easements for the new power line but is steadfastly refusing to do so.
FMI:. 207-278-3542

Maine Currents- independent local news, views and culture, every Wednesday at 4pm on WERU-FM and