Archives for Mayan culture

Healthy Options 2/3/16

Host and Producer: Andrée Bella
Engineer: John Greenman

Program Topic: “A Different View of Depression and Addiction”

Key Discussion Points:
a) How does our culture contribute to depression? How is grieving done in the Mayan culture, and how is this different than in Western culture?
b) What is the relationship between depression, violence and war?
c) Can a whole culture be depressed? What are the consequences of this? Can these consequences be passed on to later generations?
d) What role can parents play in helping their children grow up in a culture where depression and addiction are no longer such a threat to the happiness and stability of everyone?
e) What is the relationship between grief and praise?
f) How can grief turn losses into beauty?

Guest: Martin Prechtel – author, social activist – director of the international school Bolad’s Kitchen