Archives for Maine’s Climate Future

Talk of the Towns 5/08/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Maine’s Climate Future—what are the implications?

Guests: George Jacobson, School of Biology and Ecology & Climate Change Institute, University of Maine; Paul Anderson, University of Maine Sea Grant; Ivan Fernandez, Plant, Soil & Environmental Sciences, and Climate Change Institute, University of Maine; David Littell, Commissioner, Maine Department of Environmental Protection

What led to this report and what was different in the process of pulling it together? How is the report organized? What does the record of Maine’s past and present climate tell us about the future? What does the report find for freshwater ecosystems, forests, biodiversity and indigenous peoples of Maine? Maine is a heavily forested state, influencing both our economy and where people live and recreate… what are some of the implications of people making a living from and enjoying Maine’s woodlands? what are some of the implications of Maine’s climate future for people living and making a living on the coast? What led Governor to request this report? How would you characterize its contribution to our response, as a State, to the issues? How are the executive and legislative branches of Maine government responding… what are the highlights? What should citizens and stakeholders be watching for?