Archives for Maine woods

RadioActive 1/17/19

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

Land Use Planning Commission Poised to Open 1.3 million Acres of Maine Woods to Development

The Maine Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) is poised to make the biggest proposed policy change in Commission history. Their plan to change adjacency criteria, eliminating the so-called “one mile rule”, would open up over 1.3 million acres of the Maine woods to residential subdivisions. 800,000 of those acres would also be opened to commercial development. This would open an unspecified number of class 3 lakes to development.
Opponents say, the policy change would also reverse a 2001 legislative ban on large residential subdivisions of 25 acres (so called, kingdom lots), and would allow subdivisions of up to 14 lots and 30 acres to meet only limited environmental review on approximately 400,000 acres.
The LUPC is accepting written comments on their proposed development changes until January 22. Email comments to [email protected]

Cathy Johnson, Senior Staff Attorney, Forest and Wildlife Director, Natural Resources Council of Maine

Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry’s Maine Land Use Planning Commission
Proposed Rules Revisions: Revised Applications of Adjacency Principle and Subdivision Standards :

Today’s program was produced with the Sunlight Media Collective.

Maine Currents 6/27/17

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: John Greenman
Contributor: Matt Murphy

Segment 1: Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument
Our guests in the studio are recent visitors to Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument: Christina Perkins, an Orland resident who has hiked in KWW with friends and her dog Rye- and plans to return several times this summer; Don Duncan, a photographer from Southern/Midcoast Maine who is just returning from a trip to KWW and has visited and photographed the area in the past; and Roger Merchant, also a photographer, has been exploring, fishing, canoeing, hiking and taking photos in the area since the 60s when he was working as a forester. They talk about their experiences in KWW. Joining us by phone: Lucas St Clair, a member of the family that donated the land for the National Monument and an endowment to support it, gives an overview of the KWW National Monument and the current status of the designation, and Cathy Johnson, Senior Staff Attorney & Forests and Wildlife Project Director for the Natural Resources Council of Maine talks about the call to action they have issued to their members to protect the national monument’s designation. We also hear from Katie, a local resident who is part of a group that will be traveling to KWW in a few days.
Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters
Federal Review of National Monuments, Public Comment Opportunity
Natural Resources Council of Maine

Segment 2: Nonviolent Communication
Matt Murphy talks with local non-violent communication trainer Peggy Smith, and gets some tips for communicating with people with whom you seriously disagree

Maine Currents- independent local news, views and culture, every Tuesday at 4pm on WERU-FM and