Archives for Maine as muse

Talk of the Towns 7/12/13

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: Maine as Muse: inspiration for writers

Key Discussion Points:
a) In response to questions from Ron, each guest shares some background about their work and their writing… then each shares a published piece (saving the second piece to close to the end of the show) and shares “lightly”, any context and source of inspiration for this piece…
b)After this first go-round, we have a broader conversation about Maine as a source of inspiration for you and other writers (feel free here, to turn listeners on to those you admire)…
d) Does Maine have a distinct “sense of place” and how would you describe its essence… draw from the works/descriptions of others, if that is appropriate
e) Is that “sense of place” in any way endangered… if so, how? Is there anything to be done it? (as we teach and nurture our young people, as we support community institutions, etc)
f)Is Maine a good place to be a writer (aside from serving as source of inspiration)?
g) Move towards conclusion with the second round of readings, and depending on time available, share any public events, readings you will be involved in later in summer or fall.


A. Kim Ridley, contributing editor, Downeast Magazine, writer, author of the forthcoming children’s book, The Secret Pool, about vernal pools, from Tilbury House this fall
B. Carl Little, poet, author of Ocean Drinker and other works, including Art of Maine’s Islands
C. Candice Stover, poet, author of Poems from the Pond and other works