Archives for labor

RadioActive 6/9/11

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

Today we look at Maine’s high ozone alert with a DEP meteorologist and talk with a member of the Union for Concerned Scientists on the connection to climate change.
Then we speak with a member of the Laborers union about and upcoming “Maine Worker’s Forum on Jobs”, featuring a presentation of the Living Labor Mural.
-Maine DEP meteorologist Martha (click “Maine Air Quality Forecasts”) or toll free hotline (800) 223-1196
– Union of Concerned public health expert and co author of report “ Climate Change and Your Health : Rising Temperatures, Worsening Ozone Pollution”
Report at:
-Chris Tucker (Laborers 327) and Eastern Maine Labor Council
For registration and information on the “Maine Worker’s Forum on Jobs” :

RadioActive 4/1/10

Producers/Hosts: Amy Browne, Meredith DeFrancesco, Carolyn Coe

Segment 1:  Speakers from the recent Active Community Teach-In held in Bangor and sponsored by the Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine:  MaryBeth Sullivan, social worker at Preble Street in Portland, and member of the Bring Our War $$ Home Coalition; and Peter Kellman, labor leader, labor history writer and educator, and member of US Labor Against the War.    The provide background on the Bring Our War $$ Home campaign, and a labor perspective on U.S. military history

Segment 2:  Special “news” for April 1, 2010