Archives for International Appalachian Trail

Talk of the Towns 9/14/12

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Joel Mann
Issue: Community concerns and opportunities
Program Topic: The International Appalachian Trail—Maine to Morocco
Key Discussion Points (list at least 3):
a) What was Benton Mackaye’s concept of for the Appalachian Trail… how was it developed? Other highlights from the history of the AT, especially in Maine
b) What led to the creation of the International Appalachian Trail linking Canada, to the Gaspe? What was involved and what is the status of that trail now?
c) What inspired extension of the IAT to Europe and how is that linked to geologic time and Pangea?
d) What countries are involved now and what range of approaches are being demonstrated? (Link to Benton McKaye’s notion of a trail that is an engine for economic development)
e)What has been your experience as you have visited other countries to introduce the concept… what has been the response?
f) How is the governance of IAT set up … what are “chapters” responsible for?
g) What were the outcomes of the recent Annual General Meeting of chapters, in Iceland?
h) What are the key elements of future planning/establishment of IAT?
g) Specific questions for Inga: Describe the culture of trails and hiking (or hill walking) in Ireland… what ranges of hiking experiences are there (day hikes vs longer distances)
How is Ireland approaching the International Appalachian Trail and what has been the response so far? What are your future plans/projects you are working on now?
i)Specific questions for Julia: What inspired you to get involved… connection to your role as a professor of geology… IAT Chapter member? How are UM Farmington students involved (field trip/service project for UMF students for the region east of Baxter, results of Spring 2012 pilot project)
j)What inspires you about the International Appalachian Trail and what are your hopes for its future?

A) Dick Anderson, Founder, IAT Maine Chapter member
B)Don Hudson, IAT Maine Chapter President
C)Inga Bock, IAT Ireland Chapter — 011-353-404-45135
D)Julia Daley Professor, UMaine Farmington (778-7403)
E)Walter Anderson, IAT Maine Chapter, former State Geologist

Call In Program: Yes