Archives for Immokalee Workers

RadioActive 1/23/14

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

Issue: Environmental and Social Justice

Program Topic: Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Walmart signs Fair Food Code of Conduct

Key Discussion Points:
a) Over the past 2 decades, the Coalition of Immokalee has worked tirelessly to change the abusive labor conditions and poverty wages experienced by farm workers in the tomato fields of Florida.
b)After years of organizing, public campaigns, direct action, and negotiations with retailers and growers, the CIW has facilitated the comprehensive implementation of the Fair Food Program, with it’s Code of Conduct for participating growers and its “penny per pound” premium for participating buyers.
c) On January 16th, Walmart became the 12th retailer to sign onto the Fair Food Program. It says it looks toward expanding the standards into other states and other crops. Of the five largest restaurant chains, Wendy’s still has refused to sign on. A number of grocery store chains have also refused to, including the Florida based Publix chain.

A) Silvia Perez, farm worker and organizer with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers
B) Gerardo Reyes Chavez, farm worker and organizer with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Immokalee: a story of slavery and freedom :