Archives for holidays

Maine Currents 12/21/16

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Special thanks to Bill Solomon

This Solstice edition of Maine Currents features stories about holidays, families and winter in Maine. Rev. Dr. Anu Dudley (host of WERU’s “Earthwise” feature which airs Saturdays at 7:30) kicks things off with a look at the history of Solstice celebrations, then we hear from storytellers Marjorie Longwood of Surry, Edee Howland of Blue Hill, Cathy Mink of Waldo and Roger Sprague of Belfast. We close out the hour with some voices from the past- a 2006 holiday special recorded at WERU.

Maine Currents- independent local news, views & culture on WERU-FM 89.9 Blue Hill, 99.9 Bangor, Maine and, Wednesdays 4-5pm Eastern

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/8/16

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Holiday season can be lots of fun, and the Internet is becoming a great way to shop. Lots of toys these days connect to the Internet which can be lots of fun – or lots of trouble. As we peruse out choices for holiday gifts this year, especially electronic ones, it is probably wise to hold back a bit on impulse buying and think about the implications of some of the gee whiz gifts available these days.

Wabanaki Windows 11/20/12

Producer/Host: Donna Loring
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Holidays and Native American Stereotypes

Program Topic: October and November Holidays Columbus Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Month
a) What is the image of Native People projected by these holidays
b) What is the myth about Thanksgiving
c) What lessons can we learn from this

Guests by name and affiliation:
A) Dr. Darren Ranco, Chair of Native American Programs at the University of Maine Orono
B) Jamie Bisonnette, Chair of the Maine Indian Tribal State Commission
C ) Dr. Alex Wilson, University of Saskatchewan Canada