Archives for government

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 7/3/14

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Law is one place where the physical world and the digital world exist in a very rickety tension these days. If it was ever true that “on the Internet, no one knows if you are a dog,” it isn’t true any more. For better or worse, government can use laws written long before the Internet existed to find out pretty near anything about anybody in cyberspace, as these recent court cases illustrate,

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 5/17/12

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

The FCC is asking for comments on whether and/or under what circumstances government agencies should be able to shut down cellphone service to protect public safety. That’s a big question. Here’s some context. If you’d like to make a comment, you can do so at by May 30, 2012. You can read the comments already made there by others as well.