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Talk of the Towns 5/22/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Topic: Nimble Non-Profits – Strategies in the face of the downturn
What do we know about the non-profit sector in Maine? What do we know about how non-profits are faring as a result of the recession? Erosion of Investments and reserves? Donations to organizations? Escalation of need for community services they provide? How are non-profit leaders coping with these challenges? Are there some “best practices” as non-profits adapt (stay nimble) for the long run? What challenges and opportunities do funders share as they work with non-profits?

Guests: Meredith Jones, President, Maine Community Foundation; Elizabeth Banwell, Director of External Affairs, Maine Association of Non-Profits; Kim Harty, Mount Desert Island YMCA; Mary Laury, Schoodic Arts for All