Archives for el MEU

WERU Special 3/8/18: The University Student Movement & the Honduran Government’s Violent Repression of Dissent

Producer/Host: Carolyn Coe

The University Student Movement (el MEU) and the Honduran government’s violent repression of dissent

Human rights organizations have documented human rights abuses committed by Honduran security forces against university students, citizens protesting election fraud, and community members defending territory from concessions granted to extractive industries. This report describes the struggle in Honduras for a quality education and examines the Honduran government’s violent repression of dissent.

Ovet Cordova, student activist in the University Student Movement at the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH)
Eleana Borjas, Radio Progreso journalist
Lahura Vasquez, high school natural science teacher, previously taught at UNAH
Gerson Medina, UNAH law student and human rights advocate