Archives for drones

Maine Currents 12/14/16

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Segment 1: Naomi Schalit, Senior Reporter for the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting, and frequent guest here on Maine Currents, joins us to talk about what she discovered in a 9 month long investigation into poverty and single parenting in Maine – an investigation that resulted in a 5-part series which you can read at

Segment 2: A talk by Dud Hendrick, local Vietnam veteran and member of Veterans for Peace. He spoke earlier this month at the Reversing Falls Sanctuary in Brooksville, Maine. This piece was recorded and produced by WERU’s Carolyn Coe

Maine Currents- independent local news, views & culture on WERU-FM 89.9 Blue Hill, 99.9 Bangor, Maine and, Wednesdays 4-5pm Eastern

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/6/12

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Let’s do some catch up with recent developments of topics we’ve looked at recently: Pentagon directives on killing using robots and drones; a Supreme Court ruling regarding the freedom to videotape police in public places; an update on the “six strikes” process that ISPs will be using when a customer supposedly shares copyrighted materials without authorization; and, for the holiday season, an E-Book Privacy Chart, courtesy of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, to help us understand what kind of information about us and our reading habits e-book readers and books collect. You can find it at

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 6/7/12

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
The news of drone attacks that seem to occur weekly in places thousands of miles from our shores bring up questions about how technology is changing the definition of war, and even of what it means to be a warrior. An 1984 movie seemed to presage our current world of video game warfare – but the movie was fantasy, but these days people actually die. How should we think about the technology of war in our world today?