Archives for data breaches

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 10/26/17

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

In the wake of years of huge data breaches, there is increasing talk of replacing vulnerable and increasingly ineffective Social Security numbers as a means of identification both online and off. It’s a hard problem, and the underlying questions that a Committee of the National Research Council asked 15 years ago about national identity systems are questions that we should still all be asking today.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 9/18/14

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

We’ve heard a lot about data breaches lately in which hackers have broken into the computer systems of places like Home Depot and Target and stolen all sorts of customer information. Those breaches make for big headlines but how large a problem are data breaches really? Very large, as it turns out: a report on breaches in the first half of 2014 makes for very disturbing reading.