Archives for Cambridge Analytica

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 4/12/18

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Is there any way we can preserve some personal privacy online in our digital world?

Facebook has been much in the news lately since Cambridge Analytica scraped data on 87 million American Facebook users and used that information to try to influence voters in the last national election. But, of course, using people’s personal information to profile them is nothing new – it goes on all the time for all sorts of purposes. That’s the bargain we users make. We use free online services like Facebook, and those services sell our information to others who will pay for it. Is there any way we can preserve some personal privacy online in our digital world? Here is a first suggestion.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 4/5/18

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Psychographic Profiling

Recent disclosures about how Cambridge Analytica mined data on 50 million Facebook users to conduct psychographic profiles of Americans to use in the last election have surprised and shocked many people. Those people have not been regular listeners to Notes from the Electronic Cottage since we have been pointing out such efforts for years. As a refresher, here’s an episode from October — of 2015!