Archives for budget

RadioActive 1/31/13

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

Issue: Environmental and Social Justice

Key Discussion Points:

a) On Monday, the Appropriations and Health and human Services Committees heard hours of testimony from numerous organizations and individuals on the potential impacts of the LePage administration’s curtailment order, the supplemental budget for fiscal year 20313 and some reference to the coming biennial budget.

b) DHHS commissioner Mary Mahew outlined the proposed supplemental cuts ate the hearing. These include the elimination of the medically Needy Program for seniors in need, but not yet enrolled in Private Non-Medical Institution services, cuts to the Low Cost Drugs for the Elderly and Disabled program and continuing curtailment cuts in substance abuse and mental health services.

c)One of the biggest proposed cuts in the supplemental budget is a cap on the amount the state will reimburse municipalities for there General Assistance (GA) distribution. The cap would be $10.2 million for fiscal year 2013.


A) public testimonies before the Appropriations and Health and Human Services Committees

B) Sarah Gagne-Holmes, director of Maine Equal Justice Partners

RadioActive 1/26/12

Issue: Environmental and Social Justice

Broadcast Time:4-4:30PM

Program Topic: Governor LePage’s Proposed Budget Cuts to Department of Health and Human Services programs, including MaineCare

Key Discussion Points:
a) We look at efforts to uncover the coordinated crackdown on Occupy Wall Street encampments across the country, through the US Conference of Mayors.
b) We look at restrictions to those on unemployment insurance, under the proposed bill LD 1725, “An Act to Strengthen the Unemployment Insurance Laws and Reduce Fraud”.
c) And, we check in on the status of the massive cuts to low income social service and healthcare programs, proposed by Governor LePage. 65,000 people could be cut from MaineCare The Appropriations Committee has already agreed to cut funding for “Wrap Around Maine”, which has helped struggling youth turn their lives around.

Guests by name and affiliation:
A) Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, director of The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund : ,
B) Jack McKay, director of Food and Medicine :
C )Ana Hickes, Senior Policy Analyst at Maine Equal Justice Partners :,

Call In Program: No
Political Broadcast: No

Host: Meredith DeFrancesco
Engineer: Meredith DeFrancesco