Archives for brain cancer

RadioActive 3/25/10

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Earlier today the Maine House of Representatives voted down the Health and Human Services Committee’s minority report on LD 1706.  The proposed bill would have required labels on cell phones sold in Maine, warning of potential health risks, including brain cancer, and would have specifically cautioned against their use by pregnant women and children.
The public hearing LD 1706 drew experts from the scientific and medical fields across the US and Europe, cell phone industry lobbyists, and a great deal of media attention, but the bill did not make it out of committee.
As we’ve reported, both here on RadioActive, as well as on Weekend Voices, some of the expert testimony from the public hearing on LD 1706 was not available, due to an apparent technical glitch with the webstream from the State House.   With the assistance of Representative Andrea Boland, sponsor of the bill, we were able to obtain a copy of the audio from an independent videographer, Liz Barris, and with her permission we are able to bring you these excerpts today, from expert witnesses who flew to Maine from different parts of the US, and even Europe, to testify at the public hearing in Augusta on March 2nd.  Not exactly the missing Nixon tapes, but important nonetheless, as we are left to educate ourselves on this issue.

RadioActive 2/25/10

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Topic:  Cell Phone Dangers & Pending Labeling Legislation

Interviews with investigative journalist & blogger Christopher Ketcham, author of a recent article that is drawing national attention to dangers associated with cell phones (“Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to your Health”— GQ Magazine, Feb.2010), and with Maine State Representative Andrea Boland who is introducing LD 1706, “An Act To Create the Children’s Wireless Protection Act”.

The Health and Human Services Committee will hold a public hearing re: the proposed legislation, on March 2, 2010 at 1p.m.   The public may offer written or verbal testimony at that time.   Rep. Boland advises that in order for written comments to be entered into the record, the committee must receive 20 copies by mail at the following address:  Health & Human Services Committee, 100 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333 prior to the hearing on 3/2/10 or the work session on 3/9/10.  If you are unable to make copies yourself, Rep. Boland can assist you.   Her email is [email protected], or mail her c/o Clerk of the House, 2 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04334  The H&HS Committee can by reached c/o Jan Clark, [email protected]