Archives for Alliance for a Common Good

RadioActive 1/7/16

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco
Issue: Environmental and Social Justice

Program Topic: Alliance for a Common Good’s Rally of Unity at start of Legislative Session in Augusta

Key Discussion Points:
1) A broad network of Maine organizations and movements, gathered under the banner the Alliance for the Common Good, held their 4th annual Rally of Unity at the capitol in Augusta at the open of the legislative session, on January 6th.
2) Participants shared updates on current struggles and victories, and campaigns for the coming year.
3) Some of the points of unity shared by Alliance for a Common Good participants include:

Respect for community sovereignty.
An economy that protects our environment.
Reserving Maine money for Maine people.
Keeping money out of politics.

Jim Freeman, environmental and social justice activist, Rally of Unity moderator
Betsy Garrold, Food For Maine’s Future, Local Food Rules
Rev. Carie Johnson. Unitarian Universalist Church, Augusta, UU State Advocacy Network
Fredrick, Bernie Sanders campaign
Hendrick Gideonse, Stop the East West Corridor
Sherri Mitchell, member of the Penobscot Tribe, indigenous rights attorney