Archives for A Climate to Thrive initiative

RadioActive 2/25/16

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

Issue: Environmental and Social Justice

Program Topic: A Climate to Thrive: Mount Desert Island moves towards energy independence by 2030

Key Discussion Points:
1) On January 24th, MDI Climate Solutions kicked off A Climate to Thrive, a local initiative whose goal is to move Mount Desert Island to energy independence by 2030.
2) Over 200 people attended the event on January 24th, and have divided the work going further into seven tracks, covering solar energy, other alternative energy, conservation and building, transportation, waste, local food and policy.
3) The project will have a particular focus on solar power, building on the current solar initiatives on Mount Desert Island. This will include more solar farms and arrays for residential and municipal purposes, and discount purchasing of solar panels through pooled buying.

Gary Friedmann, Bar Harbor town councilor, climate activist, A Climate to Thrive advisory board

Johannah Blackman, program manager for A Climate to Thrive
[email protected]