Archives for 350 Maine

Maine Currents 11/18/15

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Representatives from local chapters of and Citizens Climate Lobby spoke at the University of Maine last week about “Citizen Responses to Climate Change”. The panelists were Lyndy Rohman, cofounder of the Bangor chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby(CCL); Tim Godaire, a graduate student at UMaine’s Climate Change Institute and member of Citizens Climate Lobby; Glen Koehler, who also works with CCL in Bangor; and Hendrik Gideonse from 350 Bangor/350 Maine. They talked about what drew them to climate change activism and what each group is doing to address the issue.

RadioActive 11/6/14

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

Issue: Environmental and Social Justice

Program Topic: Reactions to Elections by people working on social and environmental issues

Key Discussion Points:
a) Today we hear some reflections on the mid term elections, both state and national, by people who work on social and environmental issues within Maine.
b) Guests reflect on at the continued probable impacts on labor, healthcare, social safety net, international free trade agreements, tribal sovereignty, environmental health and climate change.
c) Guests also emphasize the need for people to work outside of the political-economic system to make impactful change at a community level, particularly to address climate change.

A) Emery Deabay, president of the United Steelworkers of Maine, union local 1188. .Deabay has worked at the Verso paper milll for over 30 years. He has been active in the Maine Fair Trade Campaign and the Brewer based organization Food and Medicine.
B) Sherri Mitchell, indigenous rights attorney, environmental activist, member of the Penobscot Nation
C) Hedi Brugger, 350 Maine, Seeds for Justice