RadioActive 2/14/13

Producer/Host: Meredith DeFrancesco

Issue: Environmental and Social Justice

Program Topic: A talk on Detroit and transforming and re-imagining cities and communities

Key Discussion Points:

a) Activist, professor, columnist and co-founder of Detroit Summer, Shea Howell, spoke at the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor.

b) Howell talks about how even as Detroit has struggled with de-industrialization, impoverishment and abandonment, that many in the city see this as an opportunity.. She says Detroit’s visionary activism can serve as a model. She outlines Detroit initiatives like the growing urban agriculture movement, and programs such as Detroit Future Media, Detroit Future School, Detroit Future Youth and Detroit Summer.

c)Founded in 1992, by Grace Lee Boggs,Jimmy Boggs and others,Detroit Summer was based on the idea that the people of Detroit, including and specifically the youth, had the energy and creativity to build a stronger future for Detroit through concerted, visionary community action.

Shea Howell, Detroit activist, professor in Communication and Journalism at Oakland University in Michigan, weekly columnist for /The Michigan Citizen,/co-founder of Detroit Summer.