Let’s Talk Animals 6/25/20: 4-H

Producer/Host: Dr. John Hunt

-History of 4-H
-Goals of 4-H
-What is a 4-H project
-volunteering for 4-H

Guest: Carla Scocchi 4-H Youth Development Professional for Hancock County 4-H

About the host:
Dr. John Hunt produces 2 radio shows at WERU. A short called Pet Sounds, a 3-5 minute short essay on all aspects of pets, and animals in general at 7:30 am on Sundays, and this program, Lets Talk Animals: From Aardvarks To Zebras, which airs at 4pm every fourth Thursday. During this hour long program Dr. Hunt invites a guest to come in and talk about a particular topic. Some past topics have included; Seeing Eye dog training, Turkeys in Maine, Cat adoption, Reintroducing the Atlantic Salmon, Homing Pigeons, Veterinary Acupuncture to name a few.

Dr. Hunt is a retired veterinarian that practiced small animal medicine and surgery for 32 years. For twenty six of those years he owned and operated the Bucksport Veterinary Hospital. He graduated from Michigan State University Vet School in 1982, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resource Conservation from the University of Connecticut in 1974, and a Masters in Zoology at Michigan State in 1976. Although he took special interest in pet behavior problems his primary interest was helping pet owners care for their pets by not only helping them when they were sick but educating, counseling and supporting the family to achieve good pet care.

Dr. Hunt was also a track coach at Bucksport High School for 20+ years, raised his 3 children and loved being part of the Bucksport community. His has written 2 books and currently teaches at the Veterinary Technician program at York County Community College.